Trials (Part 2)

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(Y/n's POV)

"It's her."






I stared up into the stands, where eleven people of varying mythical forms stared down at me. I was confused, I had never met any of these people before. How did they know me?

"Astrid..?" One of them stood. "Is that you..?" Her brow was knitted into a frown, and she looked hesitant.

"Who is...?" I whispered, glancing at Katsuki for help. I gasped, remembering the name on the Grimoire when I'd first found it. The one who had the same last name as me. "I- I am Y/n L/n. I am not Astrid... My apologies." I bowed my head, clutching my skirt tightly.

The woman who has stood sat back down, frowning in thought. Murmurs erupted in the stands, and I couldn't quite pick out who said what.

"She has the same name, maybe she's a descendant."

"Look at her eyes, they're the same shade of brown! I've never met someone with quite the same color eyes, except for Astrid."

"She recognized the name. There's no way she knows Astrid, is there?"

"Maybe she really is a witch."

"Silence." A loud, booming voice quieted the whispers. A man stepped forward, his body covered in flames. He was tall with a strong build, and a fearsome expression on his face. "All of your questions will be answered within the trial. Let us commence with the questioning."

The man sat, the woman who has asked if I was Astrid standing up in his place. "L/n. Are you a witch?"

"Well- well I believe so, yes. It certainly would explain a lot, and everyone tells me I am..." I said, the truth being pulled out of me unprompted.

"Do you know anyone by the name of Astrid L/n?"

"No... But I did see her name on the Grimoire." I said. Gasps followed my words, and the fire-y man sneered.

"SILENCE!" He glared at me. "Show us this Grimoire."

"Um... Okay." I wished the Grimoire to appear, and it was in my hands.

"That looks like a school book." Someone said. I frowned and flipped through the pages, hoping to find a glamour-erasing spell. It didn't take long to find one.

"The time has come

to open the door.

The Grimoire's glamour

hides you no more."

I said, and with a white flash, the shimmery glamour that made it difficult to look directly at the Grimoire disappeared. I held up the Grimoire for all to see, shocking the man covered in flames.

"She really has a Grimoire... And she already can cast..." The woman muttered.

"That proves nothing." He hissed. "Commence with the trials. Now." People crowded around me, each holding various devices of frightening attributes. I gasped and grabbed for Katsuki, who was torn away from me.

He whimpered and reached for me, but the horde of people was too much for him. I was taken to the middle of the courtroom, where they pushed me into a wooden chair. "What- what are you doing?!? Let me go!" I cried, straining to get out of their hold. They chained me with a cool metal that drained my energy, making me feel weak.

They took out a large needle, and I nearly fainted. Oh dearest of gods, I am going to die today, aren't I? I thought, my heart pounding in my chest. The needle was pressed to my skin, and that was when the screaming started.

I don't know if I was screaming, or if it was someone else, but either way, chaos ensued. The needle was thrown across the room, and Katsuki had escaped from the hold of the ones who had taken him from me.

White light enveloped me as the metal binding me to the chair cracked and shattered, some flecks digging into my skin and making tears prick at the corners of my eyes. I heard my mother's voice and Katsuki calling my name, and shouting from the council, who had never seen something like this before.

"Astrid..." The woman from before whispered. "That's Astrid protecting her."

I cried into my mother's arms, Katsuki protectively pulling me to his chest as the white light faded. "Momma..." I whimpered, leaning back into Katsuki's hold.

"It has been decided." The man from before, who Katsuki had called Aizawa, spoke. "Y/n L/n is a witch, the direct descendant of Astrid L/n, the last witch."

End of Chapter.

(Hi! Sorry for the short chapter. I didn't want to drag it out, and my motivation was low. This book will be ending soon, and then I'll start on the sequel some time after. Hope you enjoyed!)

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