Find the Answer You Seek

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(Katsuki's POV)

I watched Y/n smile at the group of idiots who called themselves my friends. My chest felt tight until she glanced at me, looking exhausted. I grinned as I shooed the idiots out of my house and she was completely focused on me again.

She grabbed my arm and just stared at my hand for a while, so I could only assume she was mentally exhausted, so I picked her up and sat her down on the couch. She proceeded to flop to her side and snuggle herself into my back.

I chuckled quietly and let her stay there for a while, my tail curling around her waist. She was completely silent, and after a while I realized she must be taking a nap. I smiled just a little before my mind started to wander.

I thought about Icy-Hot and growled absentmindedly. Y/n nuzzled me, and I glanced at her. She looked so peaceful, so I guessed that I wouldn't get too mad while she was sleeping.

As she slept I came up with a plan. I would have her research witches with my old school books, and then I would go to get answers from that damned Leech. I knew where his home was, since his family was prominent among the undead, so it wouldn't be hard to find him.

I would make Shitty Hair watch over the idiot girl, just in case. He's the only one I dare trust my witchling's life to. The other idiots are too dumb to be useful.

After about an hour, Y/n began to stir. She groaned quietly and nuzzles me again, like she didn't want to be awake. While she had slept, she had shifted from wedged behind me to curled up in my lap. I stroked her hair, just curious what her reaction would be.

She relaxed in my arms before slowly lifting her head and looking into my eyes. Her deep brown eyes  were out of focus, making me chuckle. She tilted her head, her lips slightly parted, and gave me a look that made my heart flutter. I didn't like it. It felt weird.

I pulled my hands away from her and her eyes flickered with an emotion I didn't quite catch before looking around, slowly gaining focus. "Oh, sorry... I must have fallen asleep. I didn't mean to.."

"It's fine. I remembered something while you were out, anyways. I have some books from a few years ago that have info about witches. You could read through them and see if you recognize anything... I have to go get something. I'll be gone an hour at most." I placed my hand on her head and stood up.

She watched me for a moment before nodding. "Where are they..?"

"I'll get them. You stay here. Also I'm gonna have Shitty Hair watch you while I'm gone. Your magic attracts too many creatures for me to let you be alone."

She frowned, but didn't argue. "Okay." She curled up and I left to grab the books. When I returned, she took the books into her arms like they were babies and didn't look at me as I left. I felt a little sad about it. I liked her attention...

So I left, angry with the Leech and angry with Y/n, but mostly with myself.

(Y/n's POV)

When Kirishima arrived, I didn't say anything to him. I just kept reading. It was kind of interesting. Kirishima just sat there while I read.

I was probably there for forty minutes before I loud scream from outside. I jumped up and hurried outside, Kirishima close behind.

The thing I saw was indescribably horrifying. It looked bloody and was chained. I stumbled back and whimpered, staring at this thing.

It was grotesque. It held an aura of pain and suffering that almost made me pity the thing, but when it's all too human eyes met mine, filled with murderous intent, I felt sick. It screamed, and I felt a strange sting in my chest.

It was the creature. It clutched it's own chest, trying to get the pain to stop. It screamed again and stared at me, it's eyes accusing. It thought the pain was my fault. It lunged at me, it's chains screeching with the sound of metal against metal.

I almost heard it, screaming for me to make it stop, to give them the warmth that would stop it. The sting in my chest turned into a stabbing pain, and I gasped. I stumbled to the ground and looked for Kirishima.

He was frantically trying to calm the thing, but the thing easily swatted him away with an inhuman screech.

I reached out for Kirishima, but the Thing was getting closer. The closer it got, the more the pain in my chest grew. Frigid wind began to blow, adding stinging from the cold to my already aching body.

The moment before the thing touched me, everything was still, clear. I could perfectly see crumpled leaves from the trees riding the wind, and I could see Kirishima hunched over himself, blood spewing from his stomach.

But most of all, I could see the thing. The ugly, bloody Thing that screamed as it lunged at me. The Thing that was causing my pain.

And then it all disappeared.

End of Chapter.

(Hello! This chapter is about 200 words shorter than usual, but the next chapter will be longer to make up for it! In the next chapter there will be a lot of fighting and a lot of explanations and a lot of new questions, so I may have to split it into parts, depending on how it goes. Sorry this chapter tool so long! Bye!


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