The Grimoire

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(Y/n's POV)

'Hello, Y/n.'


I shoved the book  out of my lap and scrambled over to Katsuki, my heart racing. "What? What is it?!" He asked, holding me close. I shook my head and pointed at the grimoire.

"It- it knows who I am! It said my name!" I hissed, staring wide-eyed at the grimoire. "It freaks me out."

"Well... It is a magical artifact." He pointed out. "And you're a witch, it's new keeper. It makes sense, kinda."

I frowned. "I guess. But still, I don't like it." I pushed at the grimoire with my foot. Katsuki rolled his eyes and picked up the book, placing it in my lap again.

"You wanna be a witch? Learn to read a grimoire. You're the only one who can. Think of it like- one of those interactive story shits. You know the ones." He sat me in between his legs with my back pressed to his chest and wrapped his arms around my middle.

I opened the book, staring at the cursive writing of my name. The book creaked happily in my hands, and the leather felt soft, almost warm. It was comforting. I opened to the first page.

In big letters at the top of the page, it said, 'How to Read the Grimoire and Other Instructions'. First on the list was- be a witch. Well, check.

'Second, know that the grimoire tunes itself to you and your magic. The Grimoire often contains spells and instructions, however for some, it simply has information. Most of the time, it's a mixture of the two. You can also write new spells and information in the blank pages in the back of the Grimoire. Welcome to Witchood, little Witchling!'

I read quietly, feeling Katsuki's soft breaths against my neck. His hair tickled under my ear, and as his breaths slowed, I had the feeling he hadn't slept well in a while.

I read and read while he slept, mostly in the information section the Grimoire had included for me. I had also spent a considerate amount of time silently searching for a world-transcending spell, but hadn't had any luck.

After almost an hour of searching, I cursed. "Dammit! I just want a fucking spell to get back to my world!"

The Grimoire began to glow a soft f/c as the pages began flipping without my help. When the page turning ceased, on the left side at the very top were the words, 'World-Shifting, Living and Dead'.

'As a witch, you belong to both the realms of life and death-, even after losing your mortality. Witch magic stems from the mystery and fantasia of the death realm, while also gifting a witch with life power, something many only experience in the moment of death. Such is why life and death- magics are so taboo. Since witches belong to both worlds, they may come and go as they please.'

Below that were words in a language that I couldn't quite understand. No, more like couldn't remember. It felt like it was on the tip of my tongue, the understanding of these words. They swirled in my vision, and suddenly a sharp pain in my temple brought me out of my trance.

I closed the book, wincing. "That's enough for now." I muttered to myself. I realized slowly that I wouldn't be able to move without waking up Katsuki, so I cursed again. I pressed my thumb to the crystal on the front, which the Grimoire had revealed to be moonstone, and with a flash of f/c, it was gone.

I gasped, unprepared for the Grimoire's sudden disappearance. "Where-" and in another flash, it was back. My heart slowed, relaxing. It did say it would attune to my needs.

I pressed my thumb to the moonstone, smiling. Once it was gone, I snuggled back into Katsuki's chest, smiling. Maybe this witch thing wouldn't be so bad.

(Katsuki's POV)

It made my eyes water to try and read the stupid book, so I stopped trying. She seemed happy reading her new personal book, occasionally muttering something I couldn't understand.

The way things were going, the Council wouldn't have a doubt about her. That meant she was safe. I hugged her tighter, letting myself relax. I hadn't done that in a while, at least not fully. Y/n was warm, unlike almost all creatures in our part of the realm of the dead. I loved it.

She slowly began to him a faintly familiar tune, one I almost recognized. I don't think she realized she was doing it, but I still appreciated it. After all, she was perfect for me, in every way possible.

After a moment of listening to her humming, I drifted off into a deep sleep, my mind completely void of dreams or worries.

I even forgot about the trial tomorrow.

End of Chapter.

(A little short, but I like it! Hope you do, too!)

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