Welcome to the Spirit World

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(Y/n's POV)

I walked behind the wolf spirit boy, curious where he was taking me, but too scared to speak up. We walked in silence for a while, and suddenly, I remembered my brother's party. That I need to be there for. Shit.

"U-um... Excuse me, Mr wolf spirit boy...?"

"Don't call me that. My name is Katsuki Bakugou. What is it, human?" He scoffed, like I should have known.

"Um, well, you see... There's a really important event I have to get to tonight, so if you could just show me the way back to the human world, that would be great. And my name is Y/n." I spoke carefully.

"Ha. You're funny. A way back to the human world? There isn't any, unless you're granted explicit permission from the Guardian. And he never does that. Though... If you help me, I might be able to pull some strings and get you home. But only if you do this perfectly." His crimson eyes met mine, and there was a small pause.

I nodded. "Anything to get home. My brother is expecting me..." I sighed and rubbed my arm. Bakugou frowned and I watched his eyes drop to my arms.

"You don't seem too happy about that." His eyes trailed lower, like he was examining every last bit of me. I shivered.

"Not really... He's hoping to find me a suitor so he won't have to worry about me after his wedding..." I sighed. "But I don't want to marry just because it's convenient for him. I don't want him marrying, either... At least, not like this..." I trailed off, not wanting to once again overstep boundaries with the first person who talks to me.

"You probably do need someone to watch you. After all, wandering into the land of the dead on accident is quite the feat. You're the most skilled person at getting lost I've ever met." He scoffed. I frowned.

"Meanie." The corner of his mouth twitched up for a split second at my words, then he grabbed my wrist.

"Come on, Girlie. We're almost there." He looked ahead of us, pulling me faster. I tripped over my own feet a few times, but after a few more minutes, we arrived at a small house. I looked at it, then at him.

"Is this your place?"

"No. Well, yes. But... not really. I live with my pack, technically, but this is the place I stay in most of the time, when I need some time alone. You can stay here. While we wait for the right moment."

"But- I have to get home for the party! Mako will be mad..."

"Fuck what your brother wants. You don't even want to be there anyways." He growled. I tensed up and stared at him. He was right, but I didn't have to be happy about it. "So come on. I'll brief you on what I need from you. Got it?"

I nodded and let him pull me into the house. It wasn't too bad. It was cozy, warm. Much better than outside. It was nice, in fact. I looked around, smiling a little. It seemed this wolf spirit boy had a sense of interior decor.

I felt Bakugou let go of my wrist and frowned, missing the warmth. Then I told myself that was silly, and looked at him. "So... Do I have a room, or...?"

He frowned and clicked his tongue. "Damn. I don't think you do, unless you want to make the living room yours."

"No thanks."

"Looks like you're staying with me then, Girlie. Don't worry, I'm not some creep. I probably will be sleeping back at home, anyways." He rolled his eyes, knowing exactly the right thing to say, even if it was more disrespectful than I had imagined.

I frowned and pulled at my shawl. "Well... You promised to brief me, so what's going on?"

His nose twitched. "It's damn Deku. He thinks he's better than me. He got a job as the damn Guardian's apprentice, and I have a week to prove he's incompetent until it's too late. But I also have to do it the right way to put me in a good light. Just finding you isn't gonna do that. This, however... Protecting you from the undead who lust for your human charms while waiting to talk to the Guardian, will be."

"So I'm your proof."

"Exactly. Then once I've proved that Deku is useless, I will be the apprentice, like I was meant to be." He smiled proudly, flashing his sharp teeth. It was that moment when I realized what he'd said about the other undead wasn't a joke. This place could quite possibly be the death of me, no pun intended.

"I need to go home as soon as possible... And definitely before a week is over. A week from now is my brother's wedding." I twisted the silver band around my finger, a gift from my mother. "I have to be there, whether I like the union itself or not. He's my brother..."

Bakugou nodded. "Yeah. In a week he'd become the official apprentice in training, so I won't need you after that anyways." I continued to twist the ring around my finger, occasionally glancing at him.

"Hey Bakugou..."

"Yes, Girlie?"

"Tell me about this place... The spirit world. It sounds interesting." I looked up into his eyes. They were a little wide with shock. I guess he hadn't expected me to be curious. It was almost cute. He should probably expect a lot more questions, though. My brother swears my curiosity will get me killed one day. I don't disagree.

He cleared his throat and glanced around, like he didn't know where to begin. "I... I guess we have time for that." He said softly. I smiled and clapped quietly.

And thus, he told me all he could about the spirit world and the kinda of spirits it holds. I could quite easily say that I was excited to learn more.

End of Chapter.

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