The Human Girl

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(Bakugou's POV)

I was starting to run out of time. I had to prove that damn Deku was incompetent, and quick, otherwise I would lose my chance at becoming the next Guardian. I ran the perimeter of the border, searching for any possible mistake Deku could have made. An unregistered ghost. A spirit that slipped into the living world. Anything that could give me a chance.

Suddenly, I heard a gasp from around the border. Perfect. A lost soul Deku has yet to take care of. Probably a new one.

"Is someone there?" I called out, searching for the spirit. My eyes caught on the thing, and suddenly, I wasn't so sure what it was. "Who the hell are you?" I frowned at the thing. It was female, I believe. It has the curviness around it's hips and bust that made it obvious, though the womanly skirts and shawl definitely helped.

"I-I'm sorry, I just need help finding my way back. You see, I was helping this cat, because it was hurt, then it led me here and I don't know where I am-" The spirit girl whimpered, looking like she was about to cry.

I huffed. She was clearly lost, so she was probably a lost spirit. Only the dumbest of the undead don't know how to get home from the border, so she had to be new. "A lost spirit, eh? I'm assuming you just died, then." I clicked my tongue, hoping this wouldn't be too difficult.

"W-what!?! I'm not- I'm not dead! Like I said, I followed the cat here-" She spoke faster, her hands shaking and clutching at her shawl.

"Look, girlie. Whatever cat you followed left you. It was probably a guide. They're rare, but if you're a particularly attached spirit, it can happen." She looked like the type who needed a guide anyways.

"I'm not a spirit!" She pulled the shawl tighter around her arms. I frowned. Spirits normally get it after a few tries. Now that I looked, though, she seemed solid. Not like spirits, that don't have a mortal form unless granted a body by magic- like the damn nerd does. Maybe she isn't a spirit... But what is she?

"Then you must be a newly undead. Sucks for you, newbie. You're kinda pale, a vampire maybe? Did anyone bite you recently?" The girl's ears went a little pink. I almost laughed. She took it in the wrong sense, though I gave her context perfectly. She could be fun to play with

"Excuse me, sir, that was incredibly rude-" I cut her off, now realizing that the blush made it so she couldn't be a vampire, seeing as how they have no blood of their own.

"Mm... you have blood, as I can see now... a werewolf, maybe? You don't have the sickly look of a zombie. Or possibly- no, no... a witch hasn't been seen in centuries. You must be a werewolf." I sighed. "I can get you to a pack, they'd love to take in another newcomer..." I really didn't want to take her back to my family, but she was too perfect! I couldn't let an opportunity like this slip!

"I'M NOT A WEREWOLF! I'm alive, idiot! Not undead! I followed a black cat here, and I was very much alive. What kind of madman are you?!?" Her nose wrinkled as she yelled. It was kind of cute, objectively, but I was getting tired of this.

I huffed again. "Girl. You can't be alive. This is the spirit world, the land of the dead and undead. Not of the living. If you are here, you can't be alive. Sorry to break it to you."

"Prove it. If this is the spirit world, you're dead or undead too. Prove it to me." She stood a little taller, and I knew this was the only way to get her to work with me.

"Fine. Don't make me regret this." I sighed and rand my fingers through my hair once before stepping closer, close enough that even a shitty human could tell by now. What I was. A wolf spirit. Or, as the humans liked to call it, a werewolf.

The girl's eyes went wide, revealing large, so dark brown they were almost black eyes. I stared at them for a while. I could feel her living warmth radiating off of her. Only living creatures did that. As far as I know, only animal spirits given a human form did that, bit she clearly had no animal characteristics, unless you counted puppy-dog eyes.

I frowned. "You really aren't dead, huh...? You're a human..." As my brain adjusted to that idea, I suddenly realized just how perfect it was. A human. A living human, on this side of the boundary. This would ruin Deku for sure. I grinned. Oh this was gonna be fun. How will Deku explain this, huh?

"And you're a... a..."

"Werewolf, wolf spirit, yeah yeah. You're gonna freeze out here, little miss human, so I recommend you follow me... Unless you want some other undead creature to find you. And I promise, to humans, wolf spirits are one of the least dangerous undead creatures you can find out here."

She blinked and nodded quickly, stepping closer to me. I led her further away from the boundary, the paused. I certainly couldn't show her to the Guardian now, that would make it so she didn't trust me, which I needed to make this work right. But I also couldn't take her to my pack, they would throw me out for having something so useless that could bring others to us around. I had no choice...

I had to bring her to my place, away from my family. I sighed and led her there, begging to anyone who would hear to not let this be a horrible mistake. After all, she was human, a recourse so valuable to other undead creatures that some go mad trying to make it back across the border.

This could cause a lot of problems for me if I'm not careful.

(End of chapter.)

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