Welcome to the Capital

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(Y/n's POV)

"Let's see, I do think red would look quite nice on you. Then we could also go with green... Maybe yellow? No, black!" The unfamiliar woman All Might had referred to as the "dressmaker" mumbled to herself while taking my measurements.

She pulled the yellow plastic around my waist, nodded, pulled away, then did a double take.

"Mindy, come here." She waved a hand at a short blonde girl. "Waist." She held up the plastic. Then she moved her thumb. "Bust."

"Her waist is 22 inches (about 56 cm)!? My lords- miss, have you never eaten a day in your life?!?" The blonde girl cried.

"I eat..." I muttered. Flashbacks of the way I used to be called skinnier than a stick to the way the boys in my village began to stare at the difference between my his and waist like they were ready to pounce made me shiver.

The dressmaker just shook her head and began pinning fabrics I'd never seen before together. I stood on the little platform for another three hours while multiple different girls worked on a dress for me, then was suddenly shoved into a room with two different girls.

They removed Katsuki's clothes much to my dismay, then began lacing up the dress.

The dress itself reminded me of fire, and the top was much to revealing for my tastes, but they soon pushed me out of the room and handed me a bag filled with other dresses for multiple occasions, then sent me on my way

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The dress itself reminded me of fire, and the top was much to revealing for my tastes, but they soon pushed me out of the room and handed me a bag filled with other dresses for multiple occasions, then sent me on my way.

I looked around the capital, with it's floating buildings and roads leading to nowhere and slowly realized I was lost. I didn't know how I had come here or where Katsuki had gone, and felt my chest tighten and head begin to pound. I had never been somewhere so terrifyingly vast before.

All I had ever known was my little village, which I knew like the back of my hand. That and the forest, which I still got lost in to this day. I felt ready to cry. Suddenly, I felt a sharp tug in my chest. I looked in the direction of the tug, and the urge to go that way overwhelmed me.

I nearly ran in that direction, and with only two bumps and apologies, I found Katsuki, standing there with a bored look on his face as All Might spoke enthusiastically with a shopkeeper.

I ran over to him and threw my arms around him, crying out. Katsuki jumped and looked down at me in surprise. Then he smiled and stroked my hair. "Took ya long enough, Girlie." I nuzzled his chest, clinging to him for what felt like my life. "What in the worlds are you wearing?" He growled.

I shrugged and pressed my face to his chest more. His caramel scent relaxed me, and I felt the pounding in my head subside and my heartbeat slow down.

"Ah, there's the little lady." All Might smiled. I stared up at him from in Katsuki's arms, trying and failing not to glare at him. "The council is awaiting us."

"What the hell does the council need?" Katsuki hissed.

"To make sure she truly is a witch, then decide what to do with her. Especially since she is now your mate."

Katsuki growled. "What's the council?" I asked.

"The shits in charge of this place. They make all the important decisions. Looks like they'll be examining you."

I shrunk back. I had read about the trials they put someone through to make sure they were truly a witch. They were painful and laboring. "I... I don't want them to."

"I don't either." He mumbled, pulling me closer and burying his face in my neck. "If they hurt you I'll kill them." I clung to him tighter.

"We still have until tomorrow for your trial," All Might announced. "So go enjoy yourselves. You're a young couple, you should be able to have at least one date before her fate is decided."

I felt my ears go hot and saw Katsuki's cheeks go pink. "SHADDUP, OLD FART!"

All Might laughed and gave Katsuki a pat on the back. "There's the wolf spirit I know and love. Now hurry along before the day is over!" He smiled. Katsuki grumbled and pulled me away.

"I don't like you in this dress. It's too revealing."

"My thoughts exactly." I muttered. He pulled off his jacket and placed it on my shoulders.

"There. Now come on, Idiot. Looks like I'm showing you around."

"What do you mean?"

"You really think I'd let an opportunity to prove I'm amazing slip by?" He smirked. "I'm taking you on the best damn date of your life, Girlie. Prepare to be amazed."

I felt blood rush to my face again and smiled. He was cute when he got excited. Maybe this capitol thing wasn't going to be so bad.

End of Chapter.

(Another short one! Sorry about that.)

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