To Save Someone, You Must First Save Yourself

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(Katsuki's POV)

I had found Icy-Hot faster than I thought I would. He had been wandering around outside his estate, his eyes glazed over. I had known the leech long enough to know he was looking for blood. He had gone into a blood craving.

This wasn't the first time he had done this, but it was the first time he wasn't attacking the first person he saw. He passed me, heading the way I came. He was going after Y/n's witchblood.

I grabbed his arm as he passed me, snarling. "Oi, Leech. Snap the hell out of it and fight me!" He slowly turned, his eyes focusing on me.

"Bakugou... Where is... The girl...? The one who tastes... Magical..." He almost sighed it. It only pissed me off more.

"Safe from the likes of YOU." I dug my claws into his arm, knowing full well it wouldn't draw blood. After all, he didn't have any.

"Please, Bakugou... I... I'm begging you..." He stumbled, looking weak.

"Too bad, she's my Witchling and you don't get to hurt her!" I shoved him away, shredding the skin on his arm. He hissed, turning on me.

"Fine..." He lunged at me, fangs bared. I dodged and attacked him, throwing him to the floor. He tried to bite me, but I shoved a stick between his mouth before he could. I felt a stabbing pain where my heart was and I glanced there, but there was no wound. I sucked in a breath and got away from the leech as fast as I could.

I felt it again and I swore I could hear Y/n whimpering, but I knew she wasn't there. I held my head in my hands and let out a sound like an injured animal.

In the back of my mind, I knew exactly what was wrong. I knew why I was feeling this. But I didn't want to admit it. So I lunged at Icy-Hot holding a stake, aimed for his heart. But before I could kill him, a surge of pain rolled throughout my body, making me stumble.

I turned back towards my home, where Y/n was. The pain lessened. I ran home, quickly leaving the injured vampire behind.

And when I finally reached a point where I could see my witchling... I couldn't believe my eyes.

(Y/n's POV)

Everything was light. Intense light that I couldn't see through. It seemed to take an eternity for the light to fade enough I could see.

There was a woman, crying. She curled up around herself. I stepped closer, my body feeling much too light for my liking. "Hello..? Are you alright?"

The woman looked up, her eyes the same as the Thing's eyes had been. She gasped. "You came... oh my goodness, thank you!" She grabbed my hands and started crying. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"What's wrong..?"

"Everything hurts so much! You... you feel warm... it stops the pain..." The woman tightened her hold on my hands. "Give me the warmth..."

"I- I don't know how, I'm sorry..." I tried to pull away from the woman, but light flashed again and my head started screaming. "Ow... please stop..." My energy seemed to drain as the woman held my hands tighter.

"All you have to do is give me the warmth... then I'll be free..." The woman started to stand. I decided that I would try, and suddenly I felt something snap and cold wash over me.

The woman glowed brighter and stared at me. "Thank you..." She began to fade, and when she was finally gone, everything went dark.

I heard Katsuki's voice call out my name, but I was too delirious to accurately respond. I tried to say his name, but my little bit of consciousness left was soon gone.

(Katsuki's POV)

I called out for Y/n as the Rogue wrapped it's ghostly arms around it's victim. My Witchling. Light flashed as the Rogue began to steal her energy. However, instead of the usual growth a Rogue gets from stealing energy, the Rogue began to fade.

Shitty Hair and I watched as the Rogue completely disappeared, leaving Y/n to collapse on the ground. When I snapped out of it, I ran over to her. "Y/n!" I dropped down next to her and scooped her up into my arms. "Y/n, what did you do..?" I whimpered, the pain in my chest finally gone.

She seemed to whisper my name, but I couldn't hear anything. She was completely exhausted.

"Bakugou..." Shitty Hair spoke up. "People will come once the Rogue's power disappeared. She's gonna be taken away once they learn what she can do..." His voice was quiet. I began to tremble and I held her tighter.

"They can't... they won't... I'll kill them if they try to take her away from me!" My voice broke as I tucked her against my chest. "She's my Witchling... they can't take her away from me... they can't..." I whimpered, holding her as close as I could.

Shitty Hair watched with sad eyes, already knowing what was happening with me. With her. With us. I knew too. I was well aware of why I had felt the pain in my chest and why I was already so attached to this witchling. And it wasn't her magic.

Neither of us spoke again as I carried Y/n back to my room. I cupped her cheek, her skin frighteningly cold. That damned Rogue. It had the audacity to hurt Y/n and then save itself. My cheeks felt wet.

I was crying.

I was scared.

Rogue attack victims almost never regain their energy. And if they do, they are different than they were before. I was scared for her... for my mate. For the girl who had been around me too much. For the girl who had subconsciously agreed to be mine completely on accident.

For the girl who I loved, even though she was from the human world- somewhere I could never go, and somewhere she had to return to.

We had apparently been doomed from the start.

End of Chapter.

(Sorry, I didn't end up making the chapter longer, but I'll try next chapter. I just naturally wrote a good ending there and now I hate myself for it :D)

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