Safe With Me

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(Y/n's POV)

"So, Bakugou... Tell me again about how you don't have a mate?"


Bakugou was nearly at the other wolf spirit's throat, but I grabbed his hand. "Bakugou!" He turned around and glared at me, his gaze suddenly softening.

"Let me the fuck go, woman. I'm gonna kill him." He tried to tug his hand away from me, but I wrapped my arms around his and held on tightly.

"Please don't. I know I don't know exactly what he's talking about, but if you could just explain, I'm sure that would clear everything up..." I really didn't want to watch two werewolves duke it out, and also I was kind of curious what the redhead wolf spirit meant. I could guess the general idea, though, and I understood why it upset Bakugou... kinda.

He sneered at me, but backed away from the other spirit. "Fucking Shitty Hair... if you tell anyone I'm gonna hurt you so bad you'll never recover, got it?" He growled. The other spirit boy nodded.

"Don't worry about it, Bakugou." He looked down at me and smiled. "Heya, friend. I'm Eijirou Kirishima. You?"

"U-um... Y/n L/n... n-nice to... m... meet you." I cursed my anxiety and it's tendency to make me stutter. Bakugou raised an eyebrow at me like 'what the hell is wrong with your voice, dumb girl?' and I sighed. "Sorry..."

Kirishima shook his head. "It's fine. So, L/n... are you Bakugou's mate?" He asked tentatively. I quickly shook my head and looked at Bakugou, giving him a look that I hope asked him if he could explain. Bakugou sighed and looked at Kirishima.

"I found this shitty human- an alive one- on the wrong side of the border, and she's exactly what I need to prove Deku is useless and I deserve to be the apprentice. She's not an undead creature, she's just a dumb human who could be useful to me." Bakugou grumbled. Kirishima nodded, like it finally made sense.

"Sorry, just the way you two were talking, you can't really blame me for wondering." Kirishima pointed out. I hummed in quiet agreement.

"I DON'T LIKE SHIT ABOUT THIS DUMB HUMAN, IDIOT!" Bakugou shouted, and I sighed, letting go of his arm.

"I'm tired..." I mumbled and walked away. I started searching the house for Bakugou's room, and when I found it, I was overwhelmed with the smell of caramel and nostalgia from years ago.

(Bakugou's POV)

That damn Shitty Hair escaped. I sat on the couch, waiting for that damn girl to appear again, when I heard shaky breathing from somewhere near. I twitched my ears until I could hear the sound better, and I realized the woman must be crying.

My chest felt tight as I stood up and walked to where she was- my room. I opened the door slowly, and she was curled up on the floor, crying into her knees. I hesitated, my hands twitching. I didn't know what to do, so I just sat next to her.

"Hey... um... why are you crying..?" I said as softly as I could manage. She sniffed and looked up at me, her eyes puffy. I winced.

"I-It's just... smells nice in here. Like caramel... and it reminded me of my mom. She used to make it every year around the holidays, and so that's one of my most prominent memories of her... she died when I was fifteen. I miss her..." She pulled at her hair, but not hard enough to hurt her, just enough for it to be a tug.

I hesitantly reached forward and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. It was cold, and I wondered if that was normal. I had never actually looked much into humans. My hand lingered near her cheek, one of my fingers brushing over her jawline. Her ears went pink and she shivered.

She stared into my eyes, and I realized she had stopped crying and felt a strange swell of pride. I had helped. She hesitantly grabbed my shirt and leaned against my chest. I sat there for a while, letting her stay there. After a while, I wrapped my arms around her, since it didn't seem like moving would be the right thing to do.

I listened to her heartbeat and breathing calm until she was asleep, then I carried her to my bed and placed her there, planning on leaving. But as I tried to pull away, she wouldn't let go of me. I sighed, thinking it over.

I could stay here and wake up to her freaking out, or I could try and get her to let go of me and possibly upset her or wake her up now. I stared at her and the small frown on her face. Dammit, woman. Stop making me feel things.

I settled down next to her, wrapping my arms around her again, my face buried in her neck. She smelled sweet and slightly of citrus.I paused for a moment, telling myself that I shouldn't enjoy this. This was only to keep her from being upset. Not that I care anyways.

I relaxed after a while, my lips brushing against her neck. "You're safe with me, idiot woman... don't forget that, dumbass."

There was a quiet sleepy hum from Y/n, and I smiled against her neck before falling asleep. I dreamed for the first time in a while. I dreamed of things I'd never dreamed of before... of waking up with someone in my arms. Of someone smiling at me as the sun set.

Of a life I knew very well I couldn't have. Not without compromising my goals. Not without changing in a way I wasn't capable of. Not without someone who had enough patience to deal with me.

I let myself dream of such things, understanding that was the only way I could have them. In dreams I had to accept wasn't the way of things. Even as I slept with a woman who's warmth made me begin to wonder things I shouldn't, I knew this was likely going to be the last time this would ever happen.

Because this life wasn't my future, or hers.

End of Chapter.

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