The Wolf Spirit and the Witchling

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(Y/n's POV)

"Well... We are. You are... My mate."

I blinked. I opened my mouth to ask what he meant, but then I went silent, staring into my lap. I began to turn over this information in my head, looking for any way this could have happened or even how this could have happened.

Yet suddenly, it made sense. How quickly we had gotten this close. It had only been for days, and yet now that I thought about it, I was utterly infatuated with him.

I looked up at him, examining his expression. Then I smiled. "That makes sense... is there something else you need to talk about, Katsuki?"

He frowned. "Are you mad? Or..?"

"Not mad... like I said, it makes sense." I grabbed his hands and smiled more. "I don't mind... I do really like you."

He blushed and cupped my cheek. "Y/n..." I looked into his eyes. His eyes flicked to my lips for a moment, making my face go warm. "Can I..?" He looked back into my eyes. I nodded and he pulled me into a kiss.

I kissed him back and pulled him closer, and when we pulled away, I heard a loud knock on the door. I jumped and Katsuki's eyes went wide with worry.

"No, please not yet..." He whispered, holding me tighter.

"I-Is that-"

"Sure smells like it... just... don't do anything stupid. I'm gonna talk to them." He let go of me reluctantly and stood, walking to the door.

"Katsuki Bakugou, open the door." A loud voice came from outside. I curled up on the couch, waiting.

The door opened, and a skeleton of a blond man stepped inside. When his eyes caught on me, he went silent, his mouth dropping open.

"Who- who is this, Young Bakugou?" He looked a little disheveled. Katsuki hurried over to me and pulled me up to my feet, then stood in front of me protectively.

"This is Y/n. She's my mate."

The man's eyes went wide. "You- her- oh my..." He stared at me for a while before frowning. "You, miss... were you born human?"

I glanced at Katsuki, unsure what I should say. He looked at me for a while before nodding just enough that I could tell. "Um, yes, Sir. I was." After I spoke, the man examined me. I sank into my shoulders, a little nervous, but I knew Katsuki wouldn't let anything bad happen to me.

"You look... So... Familiar..." The man's eyes suddenly filled with regret, and I itched to know what was wrong. "Miss, what are you? If you don't mind me asking... You don't seem undead, or to be an animal spirit... Or spirit of any kind."

Katsuki squeezed my hand and I pressed closer to his back. Memories of doing the same with my mother hit me with the fear that used to come with them. When I was a strangle little girl, cursed. That's what they had called me.

Now it made sense. "I-I'm a witch, sir..." The man's eyes lost the regret and went wide, and he dropped to his knees. I took a step back, startled.

"It's been so long... So long... No wonder you look so similar... Just like her..." His voice broke and I looked to Katsuki for answers. He seemed just as lost as I was. "Miss, have you used any magic? I assume that you must have returned the Rogue, that's the only real explanation to what happened. The first witch since I was young... Oh my. We need to get you trained- you must come with me!"

Katsuki tensed, and I realized it was now or never. "Um, sir... I would prefer to stay here. At least for a few more days... You see, I have somewhere really important to be, and I can't miss it... And I needed your help finding my way home. Katsuki's been protecting me while I've been here, but he said he didn't know how to get me home..."

The man looked up. "Ah, yes... Young Bakugou, tell me, did you find this Witchling?" Katsuki nodded, still tense. "Then you must be properly rewarded. Yes, I can teach you how to get home. Witches are the only beings able to cross the border whenever they wish, and it's quite a simple spell. Both of you, come with me. We have much to be done."

Katsuki relaxed when he heard we were going together, but then asked, "Where are you taking us?"

"Where else? To the capital. Oh, and Miss, my name is Toshinori Yagi, but most people call me All Might, or the Guardian."

"Y/n L/n... Um... What's the capital...?" I was terribly confused. Katsuki just squeezed my hand and pulled me out of his home, following the Guardian.

"It's a big city. There's a reason I don't live there, let's just say that." Katsuki rolled his eyes.

End of Chapter.

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