A Series of Annoyances

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(Y/n's POV)

Being hyper aware of every little movement someone makes is something I wasn't used to. I normally was alone or had my brother around, so the only time I truly watched people like that was for fun. And yet, as Katsuki examined me for witch markings, each brush of skin against skin lingered even once his hands moved away.

"Do you have any birthmarks?"

"Yes, one on my right leg. It's not very big, though. If that matters." I shifted around where I sat to show him the small heart shaped mark on my skin.

"What about moles?"

"Quite a few... On my back, my arms, a few on my legs I think..."


I looked him in the eyes, giving him a face that clearly said 'you're joking, right?' "Look at my face and ask me again if I have freckles." They were littered all over my nose and cheeks. His eyes glanced over my face, taking note of the freckles that were hardly visible during the less sunny months, then lingering on my mouth for a second more than I imagined necessary.

"I see your point... Well, so far we have undeniable proof you are a witch, and none that you aren't."

"Is there any foolproof test we could do...?"

"The only thing I can think of would be testing your blood... and I think we have enough proof, anyways." He pulled away, and yet his touch still lingered on my arms and I felt his eyes on my face. It was almost scary the way he looked at me.

His nose twitched, and he growled. "Dammit... Shitty Hair, you idiot." I raised an eyebrow. "He's back... and apparently brought friends. Looks like we're gonna have a few more friends for you, Dumbass." He got up and opened the door, glaring at the assorted spirit world creatures who entered his home.

The one that immediately caught my eye was a girl with pink skin and hair, along with black and yellow eyes. She looked at me and gasped, then let out a high pitched squeal. "Oh my goodness! Bakugou, is this your mate?!?"

"WHY THE HELL DOES EVERYONE THINK THAT?!? NO, SHE'S NOT MY MATE! SHES A GODDAMN WITCHLING WHO I GOT STUCK WITH, SO SHUT UP!" I could immediately tell the difference between his mood around me alone and around these people.

Everyone went silent. "A..." The pink girl muttered. "W-witchling..?"

Slowly, everyone looked at me. Then back at Kastuki. Then back at me. Then back at Katsuki. This continued for a while, until the boy with blond and black hair fainted. I hurried to get up and make sure he was okay, but Katsuki grabbed my hand. "He's fine. As much as I hate to admit it, he's a lot stronger than the fragile human bodies you're used to."

I glanced at the boy, who was already sitting up. "Ah..." The group of assorted creatures helped up their friend, then stared at me. I recognized one of them. "Oh! You..." I trailed off, already having forgotten his name. "Hello, again."

The redheaded werewolf smiled at me. His teeth looked more like shark teeth than human teeth, like Katsuki's did.

I waited quietly for them to speak, not sure if I should introduce myself first or say something else. Mako was normally the one who handled this. I don't think I'd ever introduced myself first... Ever.

"Hi, little Witchling!" The pink girl waved at me, smiling. "I'm Mina Ashido! Just call me Mina. I'm a shapeshifter!" I blinked slowly, then nodded.

The black haired boy took this as a signal to introduce himself. "I'm Hanta Sero! I'm a black dog, a kind of hellhound." He smiled at me as well.

Finally, the blond with yellow eyes. "Hey! I'm Denki Kaminari! A Lightning Bird, without a master... Could I be your servant, Witchling?" He grinned and winked. I looked at Katsuki, hoping for an explanation. I could understand shapeshifter and black dog well enough, but I'd never heard of a Lightning Bird.

Katsuki just shrugged. "No one really knows what he does. Unlike most of us, he was never an English monster. He says he's from some South African tribes beliefs, but you can never trust what Dunce Face over here says."

"Ah..." I looked at the creatures.

"You know me already, but I'll reintroduce myself, just in case. I'm Eijirou Kirishima, a werewolf from the same pack as Bakugou." He smiled. Katsuki scoffed.

"I'm..." My mind suddenly went blank and I started shaking. Oh God what have I done? I've turned into a witch, entered the realm of demons and other monsters, and I've completely left my twin brother behind! I don't even know who I am anymore!

Katsuki looked worried, and just kind of hovered there, not sure what to do. I stared at the floor, letting my hair hide my face. This was actually happening. I was having an existential crisis in front of a man I've stayed with for almost three days and four complete strangers. Oh, goodie.

 I stared at the floor and muttered. "I don't know who I am... My name is Y/n L/n and I'm told I'm a witch without training... But I don't know... I'm in a place I don't recognize without my literal other half, and I... I'm scared... I was only a human... But now I don't know..." My bottom lip trembled and I felt tears gather in the corners of my eyes.

It was as if all the worry I'd gathered over the past three days had suddenly dawned on me, and I was rendered completely useless in this moment, crying in front of strangers. I felt so isolated, so judged. So... Stupid. So weak. Mina stepped over, her moves slow and hesitant. I recognized it as the way I walked over to frightened animals, not wanting to scare them away.

"Oh, hunny..." She gently took my hand and held it. Her hands were cold, unlike Katsuki's. "Bakugou, how dare you let this poor girl stay here without proper emotional support!" She snapped at him. I glanced at him, still crying a little. He looked guilty.

"I... I didn't know..." He looked completely lost in this situation.

"Don't... Yell at him..." I rubbed my cheek. "He's been nice... Even I didn't realize I was this much of a mess..." I sniffed. Kirishima nodded, defending his packmate. Mina hugged me, and I stood there. It felt nice, but I didn't know how to move or what to do- I wasn't close with this person!

But it was nice... And it made me feel better.

After a while, I pulled away. "Thank you." I said before clearing my throat and bowing to the new people. "It's nice to meet you, I apologize for my behavior. You all seem very kind." I stood up and brushed hair behind my ear, uncomfortable with the position as the center of the attention I had just put myself in, but feeling better about my actions.

"Don't worry about it... Ya hungry?" Kaminari smiled.

End of Chapter.

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