An Age-Old Feud - Werewolves vs Vampires

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(Bakugou's POV)

I heard Y/n call out to me and knew it was too late. The damned leech had gotten to her. I spun around, ready to hurt whatever undead idiot had their hands on her, but when I saw her collapse into the familiar figure's arms, I paused.

"Fucking Icy-Hot?!? Get your hands offa her, you leech!" I growled, even more pissed off that it had to be him of all vampires.

"My apologies, Bakugou... but I couldn't control myself." The leech wiped her blood off his mouth and tried not to salivate. "She just... smelled so strange I just couldn't help it. What creature is she?" He asked with that dumb innocent look like he hadn't just hurt the woman I was supposed to care for.

"A fucking human, now give my damn woman back!" I grabbed at her, but Icy-Hot frowned and pulled her closer.

"A human? But... I smelled magic in her blood."

"I know you fucking did, now shut up! Stupid Leech... she's my damn human." I grabbed her waist and pulled her limp body from him.

"Bakugou. Tell the truth. I know you're lying." He frowned, reaching for her wrist again.

"I don't even know the damn truth, but she's from the other side of the veil and she's under my protection, so fuck off." I pulled her further from him and closer to my house.

Icy-Hot had a weird expression on his face as he lunged for me, and that was when I realized that my suspicions had to be right. She had witchblood, something precious to all of the spirit realm. Vampires were known to get addicted to witchblood. I ran inside my house and closed the door, using the leech's own weakness against him.

"GO THE HELL AWAY, LEECH!" I shouted, hoping to stop the bleeding before he hurt himself to get to her. I pressed my thumb to the spot my nails had cut her and I held her close to my chest. "Y/n... I'm sorry."

I had known the second that cat got up. I had known she was a witch. But she wouldn't know, possibly not for quite a while. The way the leech had gotten to her drained her. The leech knew exactly what he was doing. I growled and pulled my thumb from her wrist. It looked like the bleeding was calming down.

I let out a breath of relief, and the smell of leech seemed to fade. He had left. I held her close, my forehead pressed to hers. "A witchling... I've gone and gotten myself involved with a witchling. I am such an idiot." I sighed and stared at her. She slept with a furrowed brow, and it only made me more concerned. "Please wake up soon... dumb witchling."

(Todoroki's POV)

I covered my mouth, still feeling sick. The witch's blood had suddenly turned sour, like her blood was fighting against me. I had puked after a bit. I groaned and glanced back towards Bakugou's home. My old classmate... harboring a witch, who knew nothing about her own powers. I hoped for his sake that things would go as well as possible, even though he was harboring a witchling, who once were known for being almost a beacon for trouble.

Poor Bakugou. Poor Witching.

~Two Hours Later~

(Bakugou's POV)

I was starting to get pissed off. It was a perfectly good day that I could have spent doing my own damn thing, except this fucking witchling decided get herself hurt and sleep for a while damn day.

She hadn't eaten since breakfast. She probably would be hungry when she woke up. I tapped my foot, getting even more pissed. Damn Witchling. This was all her fault. I heard a soft whimper from the idiot girl and whorled around, my heart beating a little to fast for my liking.

Her small hand twitches in her sleep. My own hand slid next to hers, just because I was curious. That's it. Not because I wanted to touch her hand. Her fingers were cold as ice, and she pulled my hand to her chest. My face felt warm. It was disgusting.

Her expression relaxed and she curled up around my hand. I watched her for a while before gently brushing the back of my hand against her cheek to move the hair from her eyes. Her cheeks were just barely warmer than her hands, and her ears felt like they were going to freeze off.

I frowned. I pulled the blanket she somehow kept managing to kick off back up around her shoulders, but I couldn't help but want to keep her warmer. I slipped under the blanket and tucked her against my chest.

If anyone asked why I was doing this, I don't think I could say anything truthfully without admitting things I wasn't ready to admit yet. Though I can admit the woman wasn't bad... Personality or looks wise. And now that I knew she was a witch and not just some dumb useless human... Maybe I was starting to challenge my previous beliefs.

She nuzzles me in her sleep, her hair brushing against my arms. I held her tighter, burying my face in her citrus-y smelling hair and closed my eyes. She was asleep... So she wouldn't mind if I held on to these hopes for a little longer, right?

(Y/n's POV)

Caramel... Warmth... Comfort. It was these things that eased the pain that refused to go away as I slept. I clung to these comforts, hoping they wouldn't go away even after the pain left. Soon the pain eased to the point where I could rest and give my body time to heal.

And to give my mind time to wander. Wander to the crimson eyes of the blond wolf spirit, who I had called out to before I blacked out. To the way he held me as we slept last night. To his voice, which had made me wish I could hear him speak every morning as he awoke. To the thoughts I had once hated... But might not mind, if it were with him. 

Katsuki Bakugou... A wolf spirit. And me, a human. In my dreams, it made sense, even though I knew it was impossible in the waking world.

End of Chapter.

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