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~The Next Morning~
(Bakugou's POV)

I woke up, realizing that I had fallen asleep again. I cursed myself for being an idiot before realizing that Y/n had her arms around my neck and her face buried in my chest. My face went warm. "I-Idiot- are you awake!?!" I hissed.

There was a small laugh, and I felt her breath against my neck. "You're payback, wolf boy." I felt her fingers twirling around in my hair. The more awake I became, the more aware of our situation I was.

I realized my hands her on her waist, and I had been holding her close the whole time. The way our legs were tangled together, and how her lips were pressed against my collarbone. She seemed to not care, only pressing herself against me more. "You're warm..." She whispered.

"Of course I am... That's what the fur is for, idiot." I muttered, making her laugh. "Look, idiot... we have to talk." She hummed against my neck then looked up at me, the lighting making those stupid brown eyes even more attractive. As I stared into them, I forgot what I was about to say. "U-um... let's just... have breakfast." I grumbled and pulled away from her.

She frowned and grabbed my shirt. "I'm not hungry." She said, trying to curl up against my chest again.

"Liar. You slept for almost 24 hours, you're hungry whether you know it or not, so let the hell go of me." I growled, making her tense up and pull away.

"O-Okay..." She whispered and curled up by herself. I felt a strange twinge of guilt, but shook it off as her dumb witch magic playing with my feelings. After all, she clearly had no control over her magic whatsoever.

I left to make her food again, and she stayed in my room for a while. When I came to get her, she had curled back up in my bed, staring at a wall. "Hey, dumbass. Food's ready." She turned and looked at me.

I glanced at her and the dress that was getting wrinkled from wear. I frowned and started going through my things. Obviously I didn't own a dress, nor did I want to go find the damn demon girl who would love to take the poor witchling shopping, so I had to find some of my stuff that was small enough to fit her well enough she wouldn't be showing off.

I ended up tossing a shirt and a pair of shorts at her. She raised an eyebrow. "Your dumbass clothes are stupid. Change so you don't smell like shit, idiot." Then I left again.

When she came out into the kitchen, I caught a glimpse of her tugging at my shirt. Dammit, that's cute. I've caused myself even more trouble by doing this. She walked over and grabbed my arm hesitantly. I looked at her, trying to seem impartial, but the second those stupid big brown eyes caught mine, I accidentally smiled a little.

She practically lit up with a stupid smile and hugged my arm tighter, basically making goo-goo eyes at me. I looked away, hoping she couldn't hear my heart beating faster. I suddenly wanted to keep her all to myself so no one else could see those stupid eyes of hers and they would be all mine.

Even if I had to deal with her stupid uncontrolled magic, it would be worth it. But then once she let go of me, I realized that was dumb. I couldn't deal with an untrained witchling by myself. Then I sighed.

She ate happily, then before I could grab her things, she slipped away and put her things in the sink. Apparently she didn't like to be babied... huh.

"So, Bakugou.... what did you need to say earlier?" She stared up at me.

"Y/n..." I said her name softly, hoping she wouldn't freak out. "You're a witch. That's why you were able to come here. That's why that vampire from yesterday hurt you like that. That's why the cat healed like that. You're an untrained witch."

She was silent for a while, staring at her knees. When she spoke, it was quiet. "I guess that makes sense... but.. how? Didn't you say there hasn't been a true witch in centuries?" I blinked, surprised she remembered that.

"Um, yeah... I don't know much about witch stuff, since it was practically useless back in school... though I do remember the teachers insisting, just in case we ever found a witch... to bring them to the Guardian."

"B-but- you need to wait for the right moment, right?" She asked. I frowned. You shouldn't be so worried about me, idiot... you're the one in real danger here. Your life is more important than my rivalry with damn Deku, no matter how much I hate him.

"You need to get your magic under control or more things like that leech from yesterday will hurt you!" I grabbed her hands, and the cold once again shocked me. She frowned and leaned against my chest.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't fucking apologize idiot, just listen to me. I would love to still be able to make this look bad on Deku's resume, but I can't have you dying on me just because I was stubborn enough not to get you properly trained... however, the Guardian isn't anywhere nearby... so I'll have to protect your dumb ass for the time being. So don't be too much of an idiot and get yourself into too much trouble, got it?"

She smiled just a little and nodded. "I promise, Bakugou." My eye twitched. I had barely met this girl two days ago, but that already felt wrong.

"Don't call me that. We already sleep in the same bed, I'd say we're close enough." I huffed and wrapped my arms around her. She smiled and nuzzled me.

"Okay... Katsuki." The quiet way she said my name only added to the weird feelings she was giving me. Damn idiot... your witch powers are doing things to me you don't even know. You better apologize later for doing this shit to me.

End of Chapter.

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