Keeping Secrets

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(Bakugou's POV)

Turns out, keeping a human girl is a lot harder than you'd think. She can't eat raw meat, so I had to cook for her, like she was useless. Not to mention she kept complaining about being bored, so I had to keep her entertained. She was starting to piss me off. I think she was doing it on purpose.

It had already been about five hours since I found the girl. She was currently reading a random book I had found. She seemed to be enjoying it. I think it had been a gift from the old hag, bit I didn't remember and didn't really care.

Watching the dumb girl read was kind of entertaining, though. One moment she would be frowning, her brow furrowed with concentration, then the next she would be squealing and kicking her feet or whimpering and starting to tear up. At one point she closed the book and crossed her eyes just barely, and I could swear her ears were going pink.

I'd never read the book, so I couldn't guess what was happening to make her react like that. There were times when she would mutter to herself, like saying it out loud would make the situation feel more real, but then she would go quiet again. 

It annoyed me that a creature so useless could be so... weird. But not in a bad way, I guess. I noticed after about an hour of her reading that she was getting close to the end. I wondered how she could read that fast for a moment, then I decided I didn't care.

I decided I should speak up, seeing as how she was looking like she was about to cry again. "Get your head out of that damn book and help me come up with a plan, Woman." I growled, and she gasped, looking up at me wide-eyed.

"Oh, yes. Right. Bakugou." The way she said it mad me wonder if she'd thought she was actually in that story. I frowned. "Actually, I was thinking. You said you needed to look heroic, right? Then... Maybe if you let me wander around a little, I could get into some trouble. I tend to do that on accident, anyways..."

"No way in Hell, dumbass. I need to look heroic, not be heroic. Besides, if you get into the wrong sort of trouble it could make this a whole lot worse than necessary. Or you could actually get hurt, which I can't allow. It would make me seem weak." I glared at her. How could she be so dumb? If I lose my proof, I losey only chance at winning.

She sighed. "Yeah, I thought you might say that. Maybe tomorrow you could stage the specific kind of danger...? That might work better."

I opened my mouth to protest, but her idea struck a chord in me. It wasn't the worst idea ever. Actually, it was a decent idea. "Not bad, Girlie. I'll think it over." She looked up at me, smiling.

"Really? No one ever likes my ideas-" She twirled a strand of hair around her finger.  I watched her for a second.

"They're probably dumb, anyways. Probably." Honestly, I doubted it. She didn't seem like the kind of girl to speak up about an idea that she hadn't thought through well.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. The woman jumped and stared at me, as if asking what to do. "Hide." I hissed, hoping she was smart enough to find a good place and not make too much noise. 

I walked over to the door and looked through the peephole. Dammit. It's Shitty Hair. I had to let him in, otherwise he wouldn't leave me alone for weeks. "Damn... Come in, Shitty Hair. Better make this quick."

He smiled his dumb smile and came inside. "Thanks, Bakubro!" He sat down on the couch, right where the damn woman had been sitting before. I prayed to whoever could hear that he wouldn't recognize the smell of a human.

I looked around, not able to see the girl anywhere. At least she's a good hider. "What do you want, Shitty Hair?"

"What do you mean? We're friends. Packmates. Can't I just come to see you?"

"No. Tell me what you want." I sighed. Shitty Hair paused, then sniffed.

"Bakugou... Did you have a girl here?" He asked. It wasn't the question I expected, and it made my face go warm.

"What? No way, idiot!"

"Aww, is Bakugou thinking of getting a mate finally?"

"S-SHUT UP, SHITTY HAIR! I AIN'T THINKING ABOUT SHIT! SHUT UP!" I yelled. Shitty hair laughed and flattened his ears to his head. 

"Ouch, dude. I'm kidding. But honestly, why does it smell like someone else..?" He trailed off, his eyes catching on a strand of hair. Damn woman. It was hers. "Who's...-" He sniffed again, his eyes trailing to a wicker chest that holds blankets normally, for when the other dumbasses come over. "Bakugou please tell me there isn't a dead body in there."

"What- of course there isn't! We can't even have dead bodies here!" I shouted. Shitty Hair opened the chest, and there was... The shitty girl's shawl. But the girl herself wasn't there.

I started to get a little worried. If she disappeared, then I'm toast! Then I heard a quiet breath from in a closet- where the shelves should make it impossible for someone to fit. I threw open the door and Y/n fell to her knees, paler than a vampire.

I caught her before the idiot could hurt herself. "You absolute dumbass- what where you thinking?"

"You told me to hide... So I did..?" She looked up at me, those eyes boring into mine. I paused, and I felt my heart thump strangely in my chest.

"W-well it's too late now... Shitty Hair caught us." I sighed and looked back at the redhead, who raised an eyebrow.

"So, Bakugou... Tell me again about how you don't have a mate?"

End of Chapter.

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