The Capital Academy

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(Y/n's POV)

Have you ever had your happy, adorable werewolf boyfriend show you around the city? No? Sucks for u idiot lol.

Well I have, and let me tell you, it's literally the most adorable thing ever. His tail wagged nearly the whole time (no matter how hard he tried to hide it) as he held my hand and pulled me around, pointing out anything and everything he recognized. I don't think I'd smiled that hard in years.

I got a few stares, seeing as how, like Katsuki pointed out when we'd first met, I don't look very much like a creature that belongs in this world, but I didn't care.

However, like all good things, it had to end. As Katsuki and I were just barely starting to get tired, All Might appeared.

"Young Miss, I am afraid I must interrupt you two in order to discuss your future. May we go somewhere less... Crowded?" He asked. I looked at Katsuki.

"As long as I can come with her."

"Absolutely." We walked until no one was around. It was then All Might looked me in the eyes. "You really do look so much like her..." He whispered, and Katsuki's ear twitched. "I know this is hard to ask, and I know you have to go home, but we desperately need a witch's power. I ask you to consider returning to our world to study magic, so we can once again balance the worlds of the living and the dead. I know you are young, and I know that you have Young Bakugou to be with, but we are desperate, and you are the first of your kind in such a very long time."

I blinked, trying to take in the information. I glanced at Katsuki, knowing I would definitely have to return to be with him. That way I would also avoid being set up with some man I didn't even know, in order to keep my brother from worrying. I wanted to at least see the wedding, though. I had never been allowed at one before.

But could I really stay here and learn magic? And if I were to say yes, what would that mean for me and Katsuki? Would he come with me, or would we have to be apart? I frowned, and Katsuki squeezed my hand, trying to reassure me.

"I do not need you to decide yet, I just ask you to consider it."

"I will." I said, pressing my fingertips to my palm and playing with my fingers.

"Thank you, Miss. Now, children, you should head to your room for the night. Look around, and don't forget, you two will be safe there."

I nodded, and the Guardian walked with us to the Academy, the largest of all the huge buildings in the Capitol. When we arrived at the door, a brunette girl with flushed cheeks smiled at us. "Hello, Miss and Mr! Welcome to the Academy! Can I help you? Oh- ALL MIGHT!" She looked shocked.

"Hello, Young Uraraka. These two will be staying at the academy for the time being. Can you show them to their room? This is the information." The Guardian handed her a paper. The girl read over it, then nodded.

"Follow me, Miss L/n!" The girl led us to a door with intricate etchings, that I longed to touch. I began to reach out, but then she opened the door. "Here's your room! Enjoy your stay." She bowed and ran off.

Katsuki looked around. This room was twice as large as the largest of his, and it made me uncomfortable. The only room I'd ever been in that was this size was in the church, and I wasn't exactly welcomed there, seeing as how they thought I was the 'devil's child'.

"Katsuki..?" I asked, grabbing onto his arm. "What now?"

He shrugged. "Get comfortable while we can. Your trial is soon..." He frowned.

I sat on the large, plush bed, and looked around. The items called to me, especially one large book with a black leather cover. I got up and sat near the bookshelf, the dress I'd been put in pooling out around my legs, and set the book on my lap.

Etched deep into the leather was a large, intricate crescent moon, and three stars creating a triangular imaginary line around the moon. In the very center, embedded in the leather, was a white, almost clear stone, that I couldn't help but press my fingers to. "Hey, Katsuki, what's this?"

He looked over from his examination of the place, raising an eyebrow. "Looks like some old textbook to me. Life and death- how to tell the difference? Looks stupid."

"Huh?" I asked, looking at the book. It didn't say that anywhere. Why couldn't he see what it looked like? I opened the book, a flash of white blinding me. I hissed, shying away from the light. "Ow!"

Katsuki walked over, placing a hand on my shoulder. Then his eyes went wide. "That's not a textbook."

"You see it now?!"

"See it, yes. But I can't read it for shit. What language even is that?" He pointed to another etching on the inside of the cover. It did look weird. I squinted, and the letters almost seemed to rearrange themselves to form the words 'the Grimoire, property of Astrid L/n'.

"Katsuki, what's a grimoire?" I asked, frowning as I read my last name.

"I think it's a book for witches, with spells and shit. Apparently only a witch can read one."

"This says it's the grimoire of someone named Astrid. She has the same last name as me." I looked up from the grimoire, frowning.

"Astrid? That name... sounds familiar. Don't know why. Must've heard it in some dumbass class. Maybe she was an old witch or something. But if you can read that, then we can use this as proof for your trial! Then they won't have to-" he paused, glancing at me. "Nevermind. I don't know what kind of tests they'll do. I just hope it's not the ones I remember back from my classes."

I nodded, and turned the first page. I let the words rearrange again, gasping when they finally formed words I recognized.

'Hello, Y/n.'

End of Chapter.

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