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Opening my eyes to the sun shinning through the curtains of the window, it took me a few seconds for them to adjust to it and a few more seconds to adjust to know where I was and as soon as I realized, everything from last night came back, filling up my skull.

I looked behind me to find Jackson shirtless and asleep. The first thing I caught myself doing was forming my lips to a small smile but as soon as I remembered yesterday, my smile vanished. What did I do? I just had sex with Jackson, the son of my Master. I shut my eyes tight, trying to get ride of the thoughts that almost got to my brain to break me. I took a deep breath, to open my eyes back to his closed one. I let out a long sigh before sitting down on the bed and out the bed but as soon as my feet met the cold floor, his hand was around my wrist, pulling me back.

"I'm not letting you leave. Not again." His raspy voice muttered from behind me and caused my eyes to shut so my ears would be the only part of my body available for him. I didn't know what he meant of what he said but I knew I had to answer. Say anything, just talk. What should I say was the only question which was going through my mind and when I gave up I cursed the affect that he has on me. Isn't he a human like me? Why does he have such a control over my moves? Do I have the same on him?

"Ana." He said, causing my heart to speed even more. This is a weakness that he calls me by my nickname that only the really close people know and call me by. I don't know how he knew it but even if it was only my family that always called me by it, I can't describe how happy I was, hearing it out of his mouth for the second time.

I finally looked back at his eyes and all my panic ran away as soon as his met mine. It was like his eyes could save me from my own thoughts and kill my worries and problems away to lead me back to a safe place, where he was. I tried to push down the gulp that blocked my troat when he smiled but I couldn't. I only smiled back.

"Come here." He opened his arms wide for me to lay down next to him, taking his hand off my wrist, setting me free, giving me the opportunity to either walk out the room or lay in his arms.

It didn't take me much time to think before I felt my body relax when my ear pressed itself on his shirtless chest, hearing his calm heart beating and his arms brought the warmness to my body that I always was looking for.

"What are you doing to me?" He groaned and yet again, I didn't know what to answer. Do I have the affect he has on me on him? Was the only question that crossed my mind and I only waited for him to talk again. "You make me feel this... Feeling I've never felt after my mother and somehow, I love it." I smiled, I have this affect on him too. "How do you do that?"

As much as he sounds happy, I felt the sadness in his voice but I couldn't really know why. Is it because he felt that way or it's because he didn't want to feel that way or even because he is not sure he does feel that way or... I don't know.

"I don't know." I whispered. I really don't know. I don't even know how he could do it to me. "I just know that," should I say it? Well I just did. "You make me feel just the same." I looked up to meet his blue eyes and slowly smile not sure what else I should do. What am I gonna do with you.

"How about a kiss?" He said only to make me realize my thoughts weren't really thoughts I said them out loud. I blushed hard and broke my gaze with him to look down his chest to only be more uncomfortable and just closed my eyes. "You are adorable, Ana." He laughed.

"Thanks." I whispered.

His hand found my chin and pushed it up so I could look back at him with this smirk on the corner of his pierced lip, his dimple showed, he said "you should stop being all damn shy around me all the damn time. I mean, who would expect your shyness to be that good in bed." He teased.

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