A Sip of Coffee

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        I woke up. It was a chilly autumn morning. I just entered college, and I had to do an essay. I felt like having coffee, so I put on a grayish-brownish sweater, and some black jeans. I put my laptop in my backpack and walked to Starbucks.
"I can take the next one!" I heard from behind the counter. "Hello, welcome to Starbucks. What would you like to order?" I looked at the menu. "Uh.. could I possibly get..a latte?" The cashier nodded. "Will that be all?" "Yes, thank you." "Alright, name?" "Octavius."He smiled. "Alright, that'll be a dollar fifty," he said to me. I got out my wallet. I pulled out a dollar and two quarters. "Here you go," I said. "Alright, your drink will be out in around 5-10 minutes. You can wait over there." He pointed to an empty table. "Alright, thanks." I walked over to the table, sat down and pulled out my laptop. I started researching and typing in my essay. After 5 minutes of waiting, I heard my name being called out. "Latte for Octavius!" I got up and grabbed my Latte. I walked back to my table and continued working, when the cashier that helped me came up to me.
            "My name's Jedediah." "Okay," He pulled out a paper and handed me the paper. I looked down at the table. "That's my number, you look like a good friend," I took the paper and put it in my backpack. That made no sense, but okay, I thought. "Uh, my break starts in 5 minutes, wanna hang out?" Without turning my head, I replied, "Sure."
Timeskip brought to you by my love for history
"Alright, I'm on my break." He sat down next to me. "So...how's your day so far?" "Good," I said. I didn't turn to him. I just wanted to finish my essay. "How's yours?" "Fine." He started playing with his fingers.
"What'cha working on?"
"Just an essay."
"On what?"
"Nice. What college do you attend? I attend NYU."
"I attend NYU too!"
He looked at me. "Do you have Mr. Daley's history class? I do." I looked at him. Might be a coincidence. "I do too." He smiled. "Hey! We should hang out during lunch!" "Sure, why not? Better than sitting alone." He looked at me and laughed. He checked his watch and I kept typing. "Oh! Gotta go, bye. My break is over." I waved and got up. I put my laptop in my backpack, and picked up my latte. I then left. He seems like a good friend, I thought.
Long chapter, 442 words

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