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A/n: I have received enough hugs, but anyways—

         "You filthy cowboy," Octavius said. "You can't do anything right. I shouldn't have saved you." Jedediah panted. "I swear I can do better—!" "No more excuses. Chop his head off." "Wait no—!" His head was chopped off. Octavius ran and ran and laughed. "That's what you get." He kept running faster and faster—
             Jed gasped. Just a dream, he thought. He was still pretty shaken. Apparently he was crying, so he wiped his face. He just sat there. He didn't want to move. He started crying again. He never wanted that to happen. He was too lost in his crying he didn't notice Octavius coming in.
"Cara, what's wrong?" Jedediah gasped for air and stuttered out a response. "I—I had a nightmare." "It's okay, cara mea. Come closer, I'll never leave." Jedediah scooted close. "What happened?" "You—you said I was filthy. You s-said to chop off my head," he said, still sobbing. Octavius frowned. He never wanted to see Jedediah like this again. "It's okay, I would never do that." Octavius then showered him in kisses. "I love you, Jedediah. I always will." Jedediah smiled and looked up at the Roman. "I love you too." Octavius set Jedediah down next to him. "Come, let's cuddle." Jedediah curled up into a ball. Octavius put his arms around the small cowboy. "Cry all you want, then let's go out. Let yourself get all your emotions out."
Jedediah smiled. "Love you."

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