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A/N: I swear I meant this to be only 200 words max. Supposed to be a songficlet based off the song Sway, but that didn't work. I didn't add anything. Enjoy

Jedediah had a plan.

Well, not much of a plan as an idea. Still, calling it a plan made him feel really sneaky. He liked that feeling, it made him feel as adventurous as his past self. Not saying that he wasn't adventurous, already.

Jedediah sighed as he looked at the rope dangling above him into the Roman diorama. He considered going back to the West, but..

"It's manifest destiny! Stop beatin' the devil 'round the stump! Go get 'em!"

His friend, Billy, had encouraged him. He couldn't let Billy down, now could he?

Feeling bold, Jedediah grabbed onto the rope and started his ascent into Rome. He was greeted by soldiers training. He stood there, not knowing how to continue.

Just then, Octavius caught Jedediah's eyes. For some reason, Jedediah started sweating. Octavius smiled and waved his hand in dismissal. The soldiers started to stretch and do whatever it is Roman soldiers do. Octavius ran over to him. "Jedediah! To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Well pardner, I was kinda..hoping.." His voice trailed off at the end.


"..could you teach me to dance? I have 2 left feet, and I kin'a wanna learn.." Jedediah knew he wasn't good at lying, but for this time's sake, he hopes that it was convincing enough.

There was silence for a moment. "..pardon?"

"Could..could ya teach me to dance, pardner?" Oh no. My accent's gettin' thicker, he thought. But hey, at least he believed me.

"Your accent's getting thicker," Octavius pointed out, "are you okay?" He asked, genuinely concerned.

"Fit as a fiddle! Just..just got a bee in yer bonnet."

"I'm sorry, I barely comprehend what you're saying?"

Jedediah sighed. "To translate into yer fancy speak: 'I'm fine, just got an idea'."

"Oh.." Octavius sighed. "About the dancing thing..I believe I'm free right now. Would you like me to bring a radio? To listen to music?" Jedediah nodded at the offer. "Alright. You can wait in the planetarium, I'll be right there."


Jedediah waited for a few moments, but kept patient waiting for his Roman—sorry—the Roman to arrive.

"Jedediah!" At that, Jedediah perked his head up. "I'm sorry, I apologize.." He paused, catching his breath. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long,"

"Not at all, kemosabe."

"Great, now come here, I shall teach you the tango first." Jedediah walked over to Octavius. "Good, now put your arm here—no, not there—there we go!" Octavius smiled. Jedediah's heart raced. "Now, we begin like this," The Roman said, guiding Jedediah through the dance with his careful steps, all while giving out simple instructions.

At the end of the tango lesson, Octavius complimented Jedediah. "You were very good for a beginner!" He exclaimed.

"Ah— yea, 'bout that.." He said with a sheepish grin. "I know how to dance. Just..just wanted ta spend time with ya. Please don't be fit to be tied with me,"

"Your cowboy speak has gotten even worse.." Octavius said with a frown. "But from what I understood, you know how to dance? You only asked to spend time with me?"

Jedediah sighed. He nodded his head. Much to his surprise, Octavius only smiled. "Well then, we shan't waste time," He said, offering his hand out to Jedediah. Jedediah looked up at the Roman in front of him, skeptically taking his hand. He kissed his hand.

"Before we begin, could I kiss you?"

"Well, ain't my spark a gentleman?" Octavius looked dumbfounded. Jedediah made a mental note to make him look like that as often as possible; he looked cute like that. He chuckled. "Go ahead, sugar." He smiled.

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