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      "C'mon Octavius, sing!" Jedediah yelled. Octavius blushed a little. "I don't sing well," Octavius lied. In his time, men usually didn't sing. It was described as—what's the word—"girlish." "I don't care," Jedediah said. "I just wanna hear ya sing, I won't make fun of ya." Octavius cleared his throat. "Alright."
How did they get there, you might ask? Well, it was game night at the museum. Jed and Oct slipped away just to have fun, nothing much. The games were getting pretty boring.
         "I'm still bored," Jedediah said tiredly. "I know you are, unless you're doing something adventurous and dangerous you're never pleased." Jedediah grumbled. "That's not true, I'm pleased when I'm with you. Oct chuckled. "And yet you still call me a softie." Jedediah felt his cheeks heat up. "Well that's 'cause ya are!" They stopped when they reached a window.
       "Hey Octie, ever wonder what our lives would be like if we were—well, real?" Octavius nodded. "Many times. I've decided that—if I'm there with you, I'll be fine." Jedediah chuckled softly. "There's the big softie I know." Octavius smiled.
       They were just sitting there, admiring the snow that was falling. It was peaceful. "Hey Octie, wanna sing? I'm bored." Octavius shook his head. "No, no thank you."
     "C'mon Octavius, sing!" Jedediah yelled. Octavius blushed a little. "I don't sing well," Octavius lied. In his time, men usually didn't sing. It was described as—what's the word—girlish. "I don't care," Jedediah said. "I just wanna hear ya sing, I won't make fun of ya." Octavius cleared his throat. "Alright." Jedediah sat down, giving the Roman all of his attention.
         "What do I sing?"Jedediah thought for a moment. "What about ya make up lyrics?" Octavius stood there for a second. "Make up lyrics?" Jed nodded. "That's how we got most o' our songs," "A-alright." Octavius took a deep breath.
"We were playing in the sand,
and you found a little band.
You told me you fell in love with it,
hadn't gone as I..planned.
When you had to bid adieu,
'Said you'd never love anew
I wondered if I could hold it and fall in love with it, too.
You told me to buy a pony,
but all I wanted was you."
Jed sat there in shock. "Well, that was a complete lie." Octavius sat down next to him. "What was the lie?" Jedediah looked at him. Jed thought he couldn't be more dumb. "Y'know, the fact that 'ya can't sing well?'" Octavius smiled. "I'm glad you think I can sing well, cara." They cuddled for a bit, then saw the sky turn golden. "'Mornin, Oct."

A/n: Song is Hidden in the Sand by Tally Hall if you're wondering

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