Final Author's Note (for now)

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Yeah, hi. So, I honestly can't believe I've gotten this many readers. That's honestly crazy. (crazy? i was crazy o- no.)

Important announcement: as of 19/6/23 (dd/mm/yy), this fic is permanently on hiatus. So sorry.

I just don't have the passion I had for this fandom anymore. I've tried to rekindle the fire, I truly have, but it just doesn't work. If you want an accurate analogy, I've sipped all the juice out the box, and there's no point in squeezing the box and hoping that new drops come out of nowhere.

Who knows? Maybe one day I'll return to this fandom with even better writing skills, but that's unknown for now. What I know right now is this: I've lost my passion for the Night at the Museum fandom, and I'm not returning for a while.

Thank you, and have a good day :)

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