...just can't take my eyes off of you...

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To Octavius, Jedediah was stunning.

His glowing golden hair glared in the light of the diorama, his bright sapphire eyes deep as the ocean, eyes shining bright as diamonds, however cheesy it was, he absolutely loved Jedediah.

That wasn't all, however.

His bubbly, peppy personality drew Octavius to Jedediah like a moth to a flame. Jedediah was ever the optimist, and always thought about others before doing thinking, impossible as it may seem.

Jedediah Smith was a courageous, brave, ambitious, pure soul. How could a poor Roman general such as Octavius not fall for him? He just couldn't take his eyes off him; He was absolutely captivated by his best friend.

One clear night, exhibits were allowed to go outside and watch the ongoing meteor shower. It didn't happen often, so the exhibits were eager to be able to be outside, and on top of that, see pretty sights in the night sky.

But Octavius wasn't looking up to the Heavens as the others were, no. He was looking at his own bit of Heaven. Jedediah; His best friend, who Octavius would venture to say shone brighter than the starry night sky.

It was then, he could definitely confirm, Jedediah was gorgeous.

Octavius was too wrapped up in his friend's beauty, he didn't seem to notice when he moved.


"Huh? Oh, yes?"

"...Why were ya starin' at me?"

"...Ah. I apologize. I was.. lost in thought, as they say," Octavius muttered.

" 's fine."

There were a few moments of awkward silence. The silence was deafening, when Octavius pierced the silence with a frustrated sigh.

"Jedediah." He turned to face his Texan counterpart.


"I apologize. But.. if I may?" Octavius leaned in.

Jedediah licked his lips, knowing what was going to happen next. "Just for confirmation, Kemosabe, what are ya..?"

"May I kiss you?"

A small breath exited Jedediah. "Yeah.. o'.. o' course."

Octavius leaned in more, closing the gap between the two men. A dreamy sigh left Jedediah's lips, it was clear they had both wanted this a long while.

The Roman smiled. "I just can't keep my eyes off of you..."

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