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             "Iiepwop," Jedediah said. "You sure yer saying that right, pard'ner?" I thought for a moment and looked at the bust. It moved its tongue, motioning behind us. I heard an explosion from behind us. We both turned around. "Oh..." I started. "Pompeii." Once we both noticed what had just happened, we ran. "Looks like this is it pard'ner!" Jedediah cried out. "Jupiter will protect us!" I said. I hope. We just kept running. We ran towards each other and accidentally held hands. We looked at each other, cheeks red as a tomato. We stopped holding hands and just kept running until we reached a dead end. "This is it kemosabe! Time to slap on the barbecue sauce!" "Jupiter protect us," I whispered. "Hold my hand!" I yelled out again. "Again, why!?" Jedediah yelled out. I took back my hand and was blushing awkwardly. "Nah, just kidding," he said. "I'll hold yer hand." He offered his hand out, and I took it. "Might as well go out like this." We both closed our eyes, and waiting for our fate.
         We heard steps. I looked up, and saw Dexter. Jedediah looked as well. "He can't!" "He must." Dexter peed on the lava, and then on us. "We shall never speak of what happened here." Jedediah nodded awkwardly. Dexter peed again. "Oh c'mon! That wasn't necessary!" Jedediah frowned. "We gotta tell Giantor we're safe, he probably's worried about us." Well, that was a close call.

242 words

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