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A/n: I'm sorry I keep making these Jed's pov but it's fun watching chaos from his pov—
            "Jedediah, tomorrow I have to stay in my diorama. I have some business to attend too," Octavius said. "Please take care of Giulia, don't let her leave the diorama, please." I nodded. "Alright, I promise she won't leave." Octavius smiled and kissed my forehead. "Goodnight." He got up and walked to his diorama and I placed Giulia on the bed. "Goodnight, 'sleep' tight." I left the house and stood in my normal position.
I stretched as I came to life. "Good day, men!" I yelled. "Good day!" They yelled back. I went back to Giulia's room. "Hey sweetie," I said. "Hi Daddy! Where's Father?" "He's in his diorama," I said. "Says he's attending business." Giulia nodded. "What do you think he's doing?" "I don't know, but don't worry yer lit'le head about it." I kissed her temple. "I'm going to do something, okay? Stay right here." "Got it, Daddy!" I got up and left the room.
"Alright, I'm back. Who wants t—" I looked around the room. "Giulia?" I called out. "Giulia?" I looked under her bed and in her closet. No, no, no! Octavius' gonna kill me! I ran outside. "Have you seen Giulia?" "No," I ran off. "Have you seen Giulia?" The man shook his head. "Nope, sorry Jed." "Giulia! This isn't funny!" I hopped down out of my diorama and got in the RC. I drove up to Larry. "Have you seen Giulia, Larry?" "Wow, you just called me Larry," he said. "This must be important." "Well yeah, Larry, it's about Giulia!" Larry sighed. "No, but I'll help search. Teddy, could you—" "Handle this? Sure, my boy." "Thanks."
Larry helped me look everywhere. He sighed. "Well, that's the whole museum." I frowned. "Thanks for yer help, Giantor." I sighed and drove off. I hopped into the Roman diorama, being greeted by Octavius. "Hi, cara mea." "Hi." I sighed. "Look— I lost Giulia." He chuckled. "No you didn't," he motioned next to him. "Hi Daddy! I got bored so I visited Father!" I ran up to Giulia. "Don't ever do that again!" I yelled. "You had me worried sick." Giulia frowned. "Sorry papa, I won't do that ever again." "You better not."

A/n: inspired by this masterpiece of an animatic:

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