rises the moon

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A/N: Consider this a parting gift. I dug up some old, short jedtavius thing I wrote, and thought it was best to share it here before I let this fic just sit for good :)



Jedediah and Octavius sat on a window sill, relaxing in each others' company. "The stars are beautiful, aren't they?" Jedediah said in awe.

Octavius nodded. "Yes, they are..." He leaned his head on Jedediah's. "But not as beautiful as you, amator meus."

Jedediah chuckled. "Cheesy," He shuffled ever closer to Octavius, pulling his cape further around him. "But I love your cheesy phrases."

The latter smiled softly and allowed his hand to find its place in his lover's hair. "And I love you." Octavius started playing with Jedediah's hair.

Jedediah felt his eyes get heavy. Octavius noticed this, and said, "Close your weary eyes, love. I promise you I'll be here when you awaken." He patted his hair, encouraging him to fall asleep. The sleepy cowboy yawned. He let himself relax his body. Octavius pulled him closer, and put the blanket all around Jedediah. He certainly didn't need the blanket.

Feeling himself grow tired as well, Octavius leaned onto Jedediah, causing the latter to stir. Thankfully, he didn't wake up. He smiled. Now this was most certainly what he wanted to fall asleep to every night.

The night sky glowed overhead, painting the sleeping couple in bright light. The moon provided them with life, the stars provided them with warmth, and they weren't going to ignore the beauty. Not when they have provided them with something more precious: love.

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