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        It had been 3 years since Larry had made me and Octavius friends. Unfortunately, he left after one year, and the business was dying. We were being replaced. It got even weirder when Ahkmenrah played around with his tablet, giving us all soulmates. Everyone freaked out.

Especially me.

I got Octavius as my soulmate. I was ashamed so I made sure to always, always have my gloves on. "Hey Jedediah, who did you get?" He asked. I didn't want to break it to him, so I just said: "Elizabeth Seymour." Octavius frowned. "I know you're lying." I was still in my house so I covered up the name and wrote Elizabeth Seymour on top of it. "I can prove it, just come over here par'ner." Octavius jumped over to the western diorama. "So, may I see the proof?" I sighed, hoping it didn't rub off and took off my glove. Octavius just stared at it blankly. "Oh," he said sadly. It broke my heart for some reason. "I guess it's a different Jedediah, then." After he said that, he walked away.

I sighed and walked into the saloon. "Hey Jedediah, rare to see ya in here," the bartender said. "Yeah, guess I'm just down in the blues today," the bartender poured a drink. "Want one?" Jedediah shook his head. "No thanks, just in here since I kinda don't have anywhere else to go," He stated. "Well alright then, more for me." He said, gulping the drink down. "Hey, who'd ya get as your soulmate?" Jedediah froze. "You'll have to promise not to tell." Jed said sternly. "Alright, fine by me. Who?" Jedediah sighed. "The Roman," He said. "Who, Octavius?" Jed nodded. He chuckled. "I got a Roman, too," The bartender said. "Name's Marcus Agrippa." Jed looked up at him. "Octavius' right-hand-man?" The bartender nodded. "There ain't nothing we can do about it, so why be ashamed?" Jedediah sat there in thought, thinking about how he probably crushed the Roman's spirits. "Well then, I'll best be going now," Jedediah said. The bartender waved. "Bye!"

Jedediah hopped over to the Roman diorama. "Anyone know where Octavius is?" Marcus nodded. "My liege is in his chamber." Jedediah tipped his hat to the man, then ran to Octavius' "chamber." He knocked on the door. "What is it?" He heard from the inside. "It's Jedediah, would you let me in?" He asked. Jedediah heard shuffling noises coming from inside the house. "Yes, Jedediah?" Octavius asked. "Look, I'm sorry for lying." He said, taking off his glove and rubbing off the marks. Octavius looked down. He wasn't surprised, but he was happy. "I guess I was just ashamed." Octavius let Jed in and hugged him. "Thank you, Jedediah."

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