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I had been stuck. Where, you may ask?
In an hourglass.
Kahmenrah, Ankmenrah's older brother, trapped me inside. The sand was up to my knees already. I was starting to panic. Was Gigantor really searching? Was Octavius really coming back? I didn't know. Snap out of it! I thought. You're supposed to be a fearless leader! You're not afraid of death! I looked out, in search of any of them. Any familiar face (except Kahmenrah's) would be relieving. I just stood there. I was frozen with fear. I wanted to just cry. I stood there. I wanted out. "Ahhh," I said. "The sand's really good for me! It's like a spa treatment. Exfoliates. You give up yet?" I hoped it would work. "Oh no," The man said. "Not quite yet." He smirked. I felt butterflies in my stomach. Please don't kill me, I thought. "In fact, let's see if we can make time fly, shall we?" Wait wh- he started to slam his hand onto the wooden things on the hourglass, making the sand fall down quicker. The sand was now up to my shoulders. Was I really gonna die?

I suddenly heard Octavius' voice.
"I ride...the squirrel!"
I chuckled.
"..this is your 'mighty rescue?'"
I scoffed. He's way stronger than you think, I thought. The sand kept pouring on me. Hurry up, I thought. It's almost full.
I looked back out. "No, this is!" I was confused for a moment. I looked out to the window. An even bigger Giantor walked through the window. I was throw across the room, luckily the hourglass landed upright. "Larry! Focus on Kahmenrah, I'll get Jedediah!" I saw him running across the room.
"I'll get you out!"
"'Fraid this ol' cowboy has been to his last hoedown,"
"No time for last words,"
"No—I wasn't finished."
"Yeah— I wanted to get to our evolution from enemies to friends."
"It'll make you cry,"
"No! Because you're going to live!"
He took the strap off his helmet and bashed it on the hourglass. I felt the sand rushing down, and I spat out some sand. I stood up. "Let's get to work." "Have a sword," he said, handing me his sword. "Sword!" He yelled. He caught it.
383 words, not much angst lmao

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