I'd Have Loved You 'Til the End.

233 14 4

Writing prompt: Write about the first time -you- a character held someone's hand

'Hold my hand.'

Three simple words I had yelled to my cowboy companion years ago.

Three simple words that would change my life.

Jedediah had refused my offer at first, in the vents. He seemed bashful, if anything.

I had asked once more, silently, during Pompeii. I gave my hand to his; but he swatted my hand away.

And then the last time. When we thought we were going to die.

Before that night, neither of us thought we could actually die. We thought we could be immortals, a second life to live forever.

I remember the tone he used. "I'll take that hand now."

It was a whisper; a plea. I could hear fading hope in his voice.

I smiled, and gave my hand to his. We joined hands. I held a firm grip on his hand. It was the first time I had held this hand this way. Never before had I held it with such desperation, like if I had let go, his hand would disappear completely. Not like his hand was my life line.

I remember thinking that if we were truly to die, if we were to crumble into dust only, I would be holding Jedediah's hand. That was all that mattered.

But then the energy came back. I felt it through Jedediah. I could feel his heat returning, his heartbeat growing stronger. I thanked every god I knew of silently, thanked them for allowing Jedediah to live.

I remember how Larry had picked us up and gave us to Teddy.

I remember the conversation that followed.

"Ahkmenrah should remain here, with his parents," Theodore had told us, smiling sadly. "It's the right thing to do. He seems happy here."

We had agreed, of course, but I could sense the regret that Jedediah felt.

I offered him my hand once more. He took it. Jedediah looked at my hand, smiling softly.

"Lawrence!" Teddy had called.

"Yeah Teddy?"

"We've all come to a conclusion." He looked around at all of us. "Ahkmenrah should stay here, with his parents."

"What? But that means you guys would have to stay here?"

"We belong in New York, Larry," Sacajawea had said.

"We're just museum exhibits, Laredo." I could feel the sadness and regret of his decision, finally realizing that this would be it. This would truly be our last night. "Kids look at us, learn a little somethin'... that's living."

"Indeed, my liege." I looked up at the night guard who had done so much for us ever since he had come, 8 years ago. "We'll be alright."

"But— I'm supposed to protect you guys."

"We're ready, Lawrence." Teddy took Sacajawea's hand. "Let us go, son." He had whispered.


"We'll be fine, Larry."

The night guard had frozen at my cowboy's use of his actual name.

It was a mostly silent trip home. We all felt an emptiness around us. A fog, Jedediah had described it. All the way back, however, never did I once let go of his hand. For once, it would be my lifeline.

Larry had placed us on the bench in the hall. Our home, it had been.

Once the night guard had left us alone, I heard Jedediah crying. "Amicus meus?" I asked. "Are you okay?"

"No, Octy," He had said through sobs. "I ain't okay. This 's our last night. They ain't ever gonna know... they ain't gonna come back... they didn't have the chance to say their goodbyes..."

"That may be true," I said, looking sadly at the people we both had called friends. "But sometimes, it's easier to go when you don't know. Blissful ignorance, if I'm correct."

That had only made my cowboy cry more. I offered a hug to him, he gladly took it. "Listen, my love."


"Let me continue. We lived our lives to the fullest. I... it hurts." I looked again to the dioramas we had once called home. "Knowing we won't be able to come alive again. But we knew each other. Hopefully that's enough."

Jedediah had looked at me. "...Yeah." He wrapped his arms around me. "An' for what it's worth, I don' mind you callin' me love."

"Alright, beloved."

Jedediah chuckled. "At least I get to spend my dyin' moments with my home."

"Your home? But your home is the West?" I had asked, confused.

"No, Ockie. You're my home. I should've known sooner."

We stood there for a few fleeting moments, basking in the last moments of happiness we would ever have. "We must go now, love."

"I don't want to," He confessed.

"Me neither." I pulled away from him. I offered him my hand and gave it a comforting squeeze. "But just know I'd have loved you 'til the end." A peck on his lips.

A silence came over us. I saw the sun rising from the corner of my eye. "The sun is coming up," I whispered.

"I know." Jedediah sighed. "I know."

I frowned. "I'll miss you."

"I know."

Silently, achingly, we pulled away from each other and started to our dioramas.

As I felt the sun come up, I had one thought, and one thought only:

This is not the end. I know this in my heart.


So, uh... how y'all doing?

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