(Not) Lupercalia

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    "Hey Ockie!" The cowboy yelled, running up to the Roman.
    "Hello, 'Diah. What brings you to the Roman diorama?" Octavius asked.
    "Nothing much. But 'appy late Valentine's Day!" Jedediah celebrated.
    "..what's this Valentine's Day you're talking about?" The Roman queried.
Jedediah gaped at Octavius. "You- you don't know what Valentine's Day is!? Oh boy..I should get my chocolates.."
    Octavius's eyebrow raised. "Huh?"
    "Oh, that's right," Jedediah says, "since you don't know what Valentine's Day is, you don't know the basics, huh?" Octavius shook his head. "Well, it's essentially a day where you celebrate with your loved one, your amour. You celebrate by giving gifts such as chocolates 'nd flowers."
    Octavius's mouth made an 'O' shape. "Continue."
    "Alright. You ask someone to be your Valentine's, if you don't already have a lover. That's gonna be yer pard'ner for the day, or for the rest of your life if ya like 'em that much."
    "I believe we have a celebration similar to this Valentine's Day..it's called Lupercalia."
    "What's Lupercalia?"
    "Lupercalia wasn't as soft as Valentine's Day. It was celebrated mid-February, and it was mostly violent and we sacrificed animals.." Octavius shivered at the thought. "There was also random matchmaking in an attempt to ward off evil spirits.."
    "Valentine's Day," Jedediah confirmed, "is definitely better. I promise there's no animal sacrifices or nuthin'. It's just a day of love."
    "Well then, would you like to be my Valentine's?"
    "I'd love that, darlin'."

A/n: ah yes, a Valentine's Day special after Valentine's Day. I wrote this earlier and wanted to share it, but it's too short to be posted on it's own so here we are! It gives me an excuse to update anyways lol

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