Outfit Swap

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"Heya Ockie," Jed said. "Yes?" Jed looked at me. "I'm bored. Wanna switch outfits?" "Sure. But you can't wear the galea. It's considered rude." Jed rolled his eyes. "And it's disrespectful for a person to touch a cowboy's hat but I trust you. Here." Jed took off his hat and handed it to me. I slowly took off my galea and handed it to Jed. "Ima get ya' my extra clothing," Jed said. "Gigantor gave us some." I nodded and ran off to the Rome diorama and got out an extra set of armor and a tunic. I ran back out and Jed was waiting.

"What took ya' so long, pard'ner?" "Sorry," I apologized. "I had to look a bit. Here, take them." We traded the clothes and ran off to put them on. While I was putting it on, I had some...difficulty with the buttons to say the least. "WHY WON'T THESE BUTTONS COOPERATE?!" After a little bit of struggling, I had the jeans on and the plaid shirt. Now I just had to slide on the vest and put on the hat. I slid it on, then looked over for the hat. It wasn't there. I panicked. Jedediah's going to kill me! He trusted me! I ran around my quarters, trying to find it.

After I couldn't find it, I sighed and gave up. At least I tried, I thought. I walked over to where Jed was and sighed. "I lost your hat." Jed chuckled. "No ya' didn't, ya' goof. I got it right here. I wanted to put it on myself." I glared at him. "Sorry, sorry! But please can I put it on?" I sighed and nodded. Jed smiled mischievously and shoved it onto my head. "Hey-!" Jed laughed. "Oh, I'm going to kill you!" "You're gonna have to find me first, pard'ner!"

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