Nightmares (and Confessions)

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A/N: I know I've already done one of these but this one is wayyyy cuter I promise. Also, there's a day where the exhibits are encouraged to sleep.

                                                Jedediah's Dream
"Did you really think you could save your little friend, cowboy?" Kahmunrah said as he trapped Octavius in the hourglass. "Now hold on a second-!" Kahmunrah shook the cage. "Quiet, you're making my ears hurt." Jedediah looked out of the cage, looking in the direction of the hourglass. Octavius looked like he was disappointed. "This is all your fault. It was your idea." A voice said. It sounded like Octavius and-
    Jedediah woke up with a start. He was sweaty and definitely was panting. For some reason, he wanted to see Octavius. Jedediah sighed and got out of bed. He wiped himself down and then put on some clothes. He walked over to Octavius's house half asleep.

He knocked on the door. Jedediah could hear some shuffling around inside the house. "Now who could be looking for me at this time..." Octavius opened the door. "Yes-?" He looked at Jedediah. "Oh! Why are you here this late, my friend?" Octavius asked. "I had a nightmare, can I sleep at your place?" "Sure, sure! You're always welcome here, anytime, carissime," " just called me dearest." Octavius blinked. "Did I? I meant dearest friend. I'm just so tired...but come in!" Octavius stepped to the side and opened the door wider. Jedediah stepped in.

"Here, this is my room. Come in!" Jedediah walked in. This room sure is big, he thought. "Make yourself comfortable," Octavius said, placing himself down on his bed. The latter lied down on an extra mattress he found laying around. He thought of his nightmare. Jedediah stifled out a sob. He would be fine if anyone else judged him, but if Octavius judged him? He felt sad at the thought. The cowboy then let out another sob. He heard a yawn. "Why are you crying, Jed?" Oh great, he heard me, Jedediah thought. "You know that I had a nightmare, right?" Octavius sat up and nodded. " was of the Smithsonian. Somebody I care for deeply was captured instead of me." "If you don't mind me asking, who is this person?" Octavius questioned. What am I supposed to say, "you"? Jedediah mused. "You say that as if it's obvious," Jedediah blushed. Well, that's one way to confess. "Yeah..well, there was a voice-" Jedediah was interrupted by a sob. Octavius got out of bed and picked the latter up, placing him down on the bed. "What are you doing?" He asked. "You're constantly being interrupted by sobs. I want to comfort you," Octavius said while playing with strands of his hair. "Now, continue."

Jedediah sighed. "There was a voice. Blaming because was my idea to escape in the first place. That it was my fault you're stuck. You looked disappointed in me," he said, sobbing. "Oh, amare. I would never think it's your fault." Octavius pulled Jedediah in closer, cuddling him. The Roman radiated warmth. Jedediah felt a strange feeling in his chest. The feeling felt like a drug he could get addicted to. "Now, sleep. I'm right here, carissime." Octavius said, in a soft, loving tone.

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