Blood and Flowers

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A/n: For those of you that don't know what Hanahaki is, it's a disease where you have a crush and they don't like you, so you cough up blood and stuff unless or until your crush returns your feelings, but you have a time limit.

Why did Jed have to do this to me? I thought as I coughed up flowery-blood. I wiped my lip as I walked over to my bed. I needed to rest, but this disease has made it impossible. I got into my bed and tried to rest. I felt kinda guilty since this was the 5th time I had said to Jed, "Sorry, I'm...busy."
I had been resting for a little now. I was getting comfy. Huh, I thought. Maybe it's dying down. I let out a small smile. I then heard my door being knocked upon. "Anyone in there?" I heard a Southern accent. Jed? I got up from my bed and hid my blood-vomit buckets. "Ye-" I felt an itchy feeling coming up my throat. Why does this have to come now? It wasn't acting up earlier! I cleared my throat. "Yes?" "It's me, Jed. Uh.. you feelin' okay in there, partner?" "Yes." I lied. "Alright well, come talk to me if you want. We haven't hung out in days," I heard him say. "Uh- okay." I hid my buckets in my bathroom and said, "I'm sick so if I cough, don't mind it." And opened the door. He walked in. "Well why didn't 'cha say so?" He said. "I'll get 'cha some of my soup," he said. He walked away.
I sighed. I felt some itchy-ness. I coughed. There was a lot of blood gushing from my mouth. There were red roses that were constantly crumbling. Oh Jupiter.. I thought. This couldn't be good. I got one of my buckets and threw up in there. Once finished, I acquired a few "paper towels" and cleaned up the mess. At this time, Jed was returning. "Heya that blood..?" He looked horrified. I looked at all the crumpled up rose petals and the pool of blood. I knew what he thought. "No, I didn't kill someone."
I thought of how to explain this. I couldn't just say, "Yeah, I just have Hanahaki because of you and it feels like I'm dying," I looked back at Jed. He had more of a...guilty look? I'm not sure. "I'm sorry partner. Are...are you okay?" I widened my eyes with horror. Had I actually said that? "If you don't mind, could I fix what I broke?" He said. "What do you mean?" "I mean, could I help you?" "I suppose," he walked up to me and did the most unexpected thing.

He kissed me.

471 words

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