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"You're crossing the border Tsunami" A deep but raspy voice called out from the shadows of the alleyway I had been strolling through. Not much moonlight was cast upon us but my eyes didn't need to see the person I was speaking with.

"Am I?" I spoke as I continued along, my midnight platforms kicked up pieces of detached concrete as I scuffed them across the ground.

The further I went the worse the stench became, filling my nostrils with the ill scent of rot and metal. Ignoring the foulness of my surroundings I persevered to find the whereabouts of whom had one of my bases crumbling to ashes last night.

A large hand gripped the back of my jacket as a warning "Let it go." I ordered.

The teasing aura of the holder radiated coaxing its way to me. "I don't think I want to." A smirk graced their voice as heat engulfed my neck the previously intact polyester melted its way down my back.

Starting petty fights with people I would like to work with was something that I would rather avoid but when push comes to shove, I don't hesitate.

Placing my hand behind me I removed the heat source and cooled down the material, so the damage was limited but still noticeable, which was a shame as it was new.

Turning around I gazed indifferently into gemstone-coloured eyes that held a flare of mischief yet boredom.

Stepping forward the gap in our height difference became apparent "Am I a little too close for comfort?" I asked a small smile spread across my gradient pink lips.

"You could get closer." His voice audibly dropped an octave, mouth ajar showing his tongue that rested beside his canine as he idly looked me from head to toe at a painstakingly slow pace before meeting my glare again, a smug grin beginning to form.

"Aw look you even skinned one of your teddies and used it as a hat." He mocked reaching out to the paw that laid just below my shoulder giving it a squeeze causing the corresponding ear to perk up before dropping as he let it go again.

Gritting my jaw, I spoke through clenched teeth "Do not mock me."

I think I would prefer another close run in with Hydrofluoric Acid with some of my very close subordinates then remain within hearing distance of the man who took great delight in my torment.

Stepping back, I continued on my path to find the bar and discuss yet another peace treaty. Of course I hadn't denied the company that followed behind me like a dog and its owner, but I also hadn't invited it either.

Leaning over to my ear "Knowing the limits of your quirk are we?" he jabbed.

Stopping abruptly, I allowed his chest to collide with my back.

"There are very good reasons why I lead an organisation with a workforce of 200 plus members and have multiple business partners within less than legal areas and you don't." I spat turning my head to meet his cold gaze again.

Holding up his hands he let out a small laugh "I'm not saying you're lying but I don't believe you."

He wasn't very aware how hard I had to claw my nails to get to where I am today and how long it did take to recruit as it's a very tedious routine. Usually I remain reserved when topics of personal discussion arise but others doubt was certainly a hard pill to swallow.

"Well, if you do ever need a place to go I'm sure you're aware of where I am located." I offered my help; this man was bordering bothersome but as someone who needed his knowledge I couldn't be impolite.

"I would love to come over but unfortunately I think my boss would have something to say about that." He tilted his head his orbs slightly flicking towards a space in front of me that was out of view as I still had my head turned.

Returning to my original position I looked into the dark a pair of blonde buns coming into my vision "Is this Tsunami!" the girl said excitedly skipping over.

Beaming at her I held out a hand in greeting "It's nice to meet you Toga Himiko." She seemed to think a moment as she stared at my hand before lunging at it with a clean knife, I had no choice but to push her away.

Using my current position and quirk I sent a small burst of waves her way, as suspected she could handle it not with ease as she landed incorrectly and ended up becoming washed, but she still was able to evade it for the most part.

I slowly stepped towards her trying the beginning from the top holding my hand out once again for her to grab and use as leverage to get back on her feet "I apologise for such a rude first impression, but an armistice must be settled."

Accepting my help she stood back up "I don't know what you said but you're cute, I want to keep you." A blush coated her cheeks as she held fist up nuzzling into it.

Laughing it off the person who had been blatantly ignored joined my right side "Toga leave." He snarled, standing straight.

The girl just rolled her eyes before bidding farewell "Bye bye Tsunami-chan~"

Spinning I went to move in the other direction "Where are you going?" he asked not moving from where he stood.

Removing my jacket, the cold sting of the air was evident as goosebumps covered my arms simultaneously, handing it over he took it out of confusion.

I waited a couple moments for the screeching of tires as my jacket was dropped to the ground. I flicked my eyes to the ground then back up to the culprit who deadpanned unimpressed.

On time a black SUV appeared my employees working adequately to get me in the car. Buckling myself in I rolled the tinted window down.

"I expect you to return it within the week." I threw out a business card that had been handily located in the doors pocket. Picking it up he scanned its contents.

"I will be anticipating your arrival, Dabi." I smiled rolling the car window up as the Driver began to pull out.

"Will we be returning home ma'am?" he asked shifting his eyes briefly to the rear-view mirror.

Nodding my head, I pulled out my phone "Please inform Aina that we will be having a guest."


Word Count: 1073, Cred: Unknown Cosplayer from Pinterest (opening art) ^

Whooo chapter 1 is complete! I hope you liked it ^_^

As always your postly Dabi meme

remember to stay hydrated, have a snack if you haven't already and to have a good nights sleep (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

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remember to stay hydrated, have a snack if you haven't already and to have a good nights sleep (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

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