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The doors to the venue creaked as they opened announcing our arrival for those inside, to which most turned to stare wondering who it was and what they were wearing.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Dabi roll his own at the over lavish décor the terrace filled with beds of blooming purple wisteria, the scent just below that of a gardenia hard to ignore.

The theme had been Flora, much to Dabis dismay when he was informed that he did indeed have to follow the dress code by wearing a full black suit with a golden embroidered vine like flower that dragged its way up from his left side and black gloves.

After proposing that or a flower crown he caved rather quickly. I wore a matching fully black suit but chose to remove the golden embroidery and instead have my black mesh cloak be downed upon with it, in tentative bunches of roses that shone under the room's chandeliers.

Turning my head "ready?" I asked watching as he took a deep breath covering his face with an impassive look.

"Yes." He responded as we took our first step down more watched and with each step more and more gathered to observe the spectacle.

Multiple hushed whispers were dispersed as the small figure of Recovery Girl pushed past them "Ah L/n it's been a while." She took my hand in hers giving it a shake before turning to Dabi.

"I hope that I won't be having to give any guests kisses." Her eyes squinted before laughing.

"I cannot wait for the day I retire!" she joked before beckoning the butler with flutes of champagnes over so that she could grab one.

A chorus of chortles ricocheted distracting the attention from the elephant in the room which was the mass murder.

He wasn't different to many other here who too also had blood on their hands, but he was the only one who had been alienated by society.

"Can I have a go at him?" a rough but feminine voice blared in my left ear. Rubbing it slightly to ease the initial ring I turned to who it belonged to Mirko.

She wore a simple white body con like dress with a giant dahlia made of fabric, dawned on her shoulder.

"No, and I would like to preface that he is not to be touched by anyone." I warned as I snaked a hand around Dabis bicep.

He glanced at me momentarily before directing his gaze at the pro hero understanding why I did it.

"Naw boringgg, it's like dangling a carrot on a stick."

"Well, I've gotta bounce I happen to have some mingling to do." And she did quite literally bounce away saving time by hopping over those in her way.

"So, you're the only one who can touch me tonight hm?" Dabi raised his brows as he moved in closer to me.

Placing a soft hand on my waist gripping at the jacket that separated him from my button-down shirt "I'm afraid that's going to have to go both ways doll."

Swallowing my thickened saliva, I felt as if I had made a mistake with the mischievous aura that radiated off of him.

Focusing on everyone but him I saw a pair of golden eyes watching through a darkened corridor and I could certainly make my guesses at who owned them. I would have much preferred a set of turquoise ones

"Do you want to dance?" I asked out of the blue the shock on Dabis face showing that he hadn't expected it.

Squinting he flicked around the room finding exactly what I wished to inconspicuously move closer to.

"May I have this dance?" he smirked as he held his hand out, placing my own in his we walked out into the dancefloor as I held my head high.

The last song ended, and dance partners paid their respective bows before finding someone else to dance with.

The conductor rose his hands and the saxophones started off the song 'And the waltz goes on.'

Positioning my left hand on his shoulder he held my waist, dragging our hands out to the side he took the lead moving me backwards.

In truth I hadn't expected Dabi to have any talent in dancing but as someone who constantly enjoyed defying each and every bracket or stereotype that I grouped him into he did just that as we twirled around the room at a sickeningly quick pace.

Taking a sharp step left I almost stumbled over my own two feet not expecting such a move. Dabis eyes lit up in amusement noticing how I almost tripped and he seemed to pick up the pace, spinning me at random times.

I knew he was waiting to slip me up, but I would never ever allow my dignity to take such a blow.

Throwing me out to the side, I grinned at the winged hero who had been trying his best to keep himself hidden, cloaked by the shadows.

Ignoring his exposure, he acted as if nothing had been revealed as he disappeared into the first door.

Pulling me back in Dabi leaned down towards my ear "looks like you're next in the heroes witch hunt." He rasped.

It did seem that way, I had ensured that I was always on higher ground than the 'heroes' creating a lucrative business that would have them on their knees if I ever decided to stop trade, but they were doing that themselves and they weren't crumbling.

Scouting myself and most likely my places of work and living as well was strictly against the contracted rules but I suppose being fawned upon by millions had boosted their ego large enough to believe that they're indestructible.

I would have to start putting my plans into motion sooner.

Holding me tight the song came to a close "one more day y/n."

Word Count: 985

Art Cred: Sigma778 on twitter^

As always your postly Dabi meme

As always your postly Dabi meme

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