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"I'm a Hawk."


"So, the rumours are true, Y/n really is working with the LOV." Endeavour attempted putting the puzzle pieces together as he looked out the window down to the city he longed to call him number 1.

Crossing his large arms, his jaw locked. He felt used, a feeling that gnawed away at his ego at a sickeningly quick pace.

He was too good to be double crossed by some low life, so what really was their plan? Why would they organise a meeting with Hawks the third ranking hero knowing that there was nothing stopping him from arresting Dabi?

A deflection, that's what it had to be, to keep everyone from figuring out the truth by having them focused on the small red herrings.

Endeavour was chuffed with himself; he had figured it out all too quickly. As if something so minor could cause him to stumble.

"I don't think we should jump to conclusions." Hawks voice called out of the dark as he joined the burly man's side, his golden eyes ignited by the suns light pouring into the glum office.

The winged hero had been on the scene firsthand and tried to gather as much information as possible.

He just couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to the entire situation, it wasn't something as small as a villain collaboration.

Y/n was a smart person whether you chose to acknowledge it or not, everything they did had meaning, playing life like a game of chess, accepting every loss only to return them in threefold was no easy feat.

Except the way they drew back as soon as they noticed Hawks looking for information only to throw in their usual joke was fishy.

Why not just call it how they saw it? Usually, they would call attention to what someone else was doing to have them stop and continue along carefully toeing the line.

This time was different though they completely fled as soon as there was a hint of risk.

"And why shouldn't we?" Endeavour enquired genuinely curious, everything had been put into place and a conclusion was created from it. Was there really any more need to dwell on it.

"Well why would they be working with Dabi and not Shigaraki?" Hawks pointed out, surely there would be a reason behind not conspiring directly with the head of the LOV.

There were too many variables to come to a closure so soon.

It was out of character for the red-haired male to be so brash when not out on the work field, no matter how many protest him to be nothing but a brute who relies heavily on brawn he held his rank amongst the intelligent.

"Hm true, Shigaraki hasn't shown that he's afraid to be known to the general public." Endeavour added thinking back to the USJ incident where he had made his debut into the world of Villains and Heroes something worthwhile.

"I think we should wait this one out a little longer." It was less a suggestion than it was an advisation

As silence filled the room a knocking resounded off the walls interrupting any noiseless conversation that could have occurred.

Twisting his head around "Enter" Endeavour boomed.

Both watching as the doorknob turned they waited impatiently to see who interrupted their conversation.

"Hello Endeavour San~!" A shrill voice called out, the door opening revealing their signature e/c eyes and tasteful fashion.

If it wasn't the person, they had just been talking about.

"I hope I wasn't interrupting anything." They spoke tilting their head down looking through innocent orbs.

It didn't take someone with half a mind to realise that they had intruded on an important matter with endeavours tense stature and Hawks ruffling out his feathers.

"No, you weren't." Hawks was the first to step forward while his superior was more reluctant to follow.

"What brings you here?" the tallest in the room asked, boring holes into Y/ns skull

"To go over enhancements I'd like to make to your costume." They replied nonchalantly, raising a rolled-up blueprint.

Nothing like helping the enemy prepare for the war that you wanted to start was there?

The decision between making it a fair fight or at the peak of the action having the clothes that covered the skin on their backs self-combust was quite the dilemma.

"And why would that be needed? It's good enough as it is." Hawks wondered why alterations were needed so soon considering that most costumes were reinvented every year or so and theirs had only been changed around 6 months ago.

"Complacency is the first mistake in success." Nothing would ever be good enough, even if you ruled a nation there would always be another to take.

It was disappointing when simple words were spun around and made confusing, and it could be seen on the young males' face as his brows screwed together.

"If you aren't constantly upgrading your gear then you'll lag behind." They tried again with a simpler string of words.

Slowly he began to understand as his head started nodding.

I wonder what it'd be like if they actually knew?


Word Count: 859

Art Cred: digjinx on twitter ^ uploaded by laur on pinterest v

What a long awaited chapter and it isn't even that good≡(▔﹏▔)≡ I've been doing a lot of work on other books including a WIP that I hope can someday be published and sadly forgot about this one(┬┬﹏┬┬)

Also I'm getting my booster in like 14hrs 0-0

As always your postly Dabi meme

Remember to stay hydrated, have a snack if you haven't already and get a goodnights sleep :3

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Remember to stay hydrated, have a snack if you haven't already and get a goodnights sleep :3

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