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"So, we're going to be glued together for the next week?" Dabi intrigued, lazily watching my every movement.


Not paying any attention to what he previously mentioned I walked straight past his figure and to the exit.

"We will be heading to the laboratory." I turned the doorknob opening towards the hall, multiple well-dressed persons rushing past.

Walking out into the bustle, I slowly made my way towards the elevator trying to give time for Dabi to catch up, and when he did it was made very apparent as a few frightened glances were flicked towards the now filled space behind me.

Smiling at them I stepped back a little so that I joined his side, showing that he was a guest, and he should be treated as such.

Picking up the pace we arrived at the elevator as it had just come up to the top floor, waiting for everyone left to leave.

Entering I pressed the B for basement observing the way it lit up in the same blue hue I had seen thousands of times over.

Leaning on the railing I examined the way Dabi exuded confidence he hadn't felt threatened by people I knew would overpower him effortlessly, he hadn't tried to become familiar with anyone and even now he didn't fiddle with anything.

He simply stood there looking ahead oh him feet shoulder width apart and arms beside him, one hand in the corresponding pocket.

"Are you finished staring at me?" he questioned, glancing up his eyes were still paying attention to his front, but the huge smirk created an itch I didn't like.

I wasn't staring, I had constantly been flicking my attention all over trying to soak up as much information as I could. That was not classified staring.

The ding interrupted my frustration, walking out I guided us through the packed car park and over to the Black Audi R8 parked at the back.

Digging out the key from the pocket of my dark My Melody hoodie I unlocked the car hopping in waiting for Dabi to join me.

Looking in the rear-view mirror I began backing out smiling "I do have a few errands I need to run so we will be doing those before anything else." I pre warned him as I began to drive to one of the most popular shopping centres in Japan.

During the ride the only words exchanged were between the commentators on the radio, until I had parked.

Turning off the ignition I began to open the car door my actions being interrupted. "I'm not going in with you." Dabi stated as he sat head rested against the back of the seat.

Ignoring him I continued until I was out of the car "I believe that you need to remain within 5 metres of myself."

He shot a glare through the front window as I walked towards his side, opening the door for him. Not paying any attention to the few people who had gathered around.

Turning his head, he gritted his teeth "Is there something about one of 'Japans Most Wanted Villain.' That you don't understand? I am not going out in public during broad daylight."

Leaning over I clicked the red button undoing his seatbelt "Your title means almost nothing while you're with me, so could you get out of the vehicle before you put us behind schedule." I spoke.

It was true I was a known 'Villain' but not the type that needlessly causes chaos for enjoyment.

A lot of the 'Heroes' received backlash from the general public because they hadn't done anything about me.

They allowed my business to trade whatever I wished to, commit any crimes no matter how heinous and do things that your stereotypical fairy-tale antagonist would, yet they refused to incarcerate me.

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