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I knew that it was filled with sarcasm, but I seemed to focus most of my attention on the fact that he had found me humorous.


I had gotten up early this morning to cook us breakfast, what would I end up cooking? I have no idea I knew what I wanted to eat but not what Dabi would want if he'd want anything at all.

Looking over I stared over at his sleeping figure, his chest steadily rising and falling as he slept. Like this he actually seemed at peace not a single thought of a danger on his mind.

Rummaging through the cupboards I settled upon premixed pancakes, running the water to the line I began shaking it as I turned on the stove.

I was down half the mixture by the time that Dabi awoke. Rolling his neck he stood up reaching in the air to stretch his shirt riding up showing his defined torso, and lord have mercy those jeans were way too low to be practical...

No, absolutely not. That was not an idea I was going to entertain, I simply saw his stomach, a human stomach nothing interesting about it.

As he seemed to purposely lift his hands up higher than they should I couldn't deal with it and began hyper focusing on the possibly burnt pancake.

"What are you making." He asked as he stalked over to where I was cooking.

"Pancakes, also you're a loud sleeper." The entire night all I heard was bits and pieces of scattered conversation keeping me awake just in case it wasn't him but the voice was too hushed to decipher what was being said.

I could have easily gone and questioned him because people in their sleep can only tell the truth, but something stopped me. A gut feeling, like when I thought of staying silent when some bitch was insulting Aina.

It didn't end well for her, let's simplify it to say that she never opened her mouth after I stepped in and her dream career of being a lawyer was crushed.

"Considering I never went to sleep I find that hard to believe." He said while I was dropping the pancake in the bin because it was in fact burnt to a crisp on one side.

It didn't really matter I still had enough to feed the both of us I just wanted to use the rest of the batter.

"Putting a blanket over me was cute though."

My entire body tensed as I froze from plating our breakfast. I had done that under the assumption that he was asleep, if I had of known he was awake I wouldn't have done it.

How had he kept up a straight face when I had purposely gone looking for a blanket big enough to cover him and still worried that he was still cold or was uncomfortable?

Him pointing it out had me feeling like I had done something wrong although logically there was nothing incriminating about it.

"You're breakfast is ready." I forced a tight lip smile as I scooted the plate across the counter refusing to look at him.

Grabbing the plate and fork he said a 'thank you' before opening it to say another ridiculous sentence "Is someone avoiding eye contact because they're embarrassed?" he poked leaning to my height.

Finally flicking my eyes to meet his, my annoyed flare was countered by his mischievous one "No there's no reason to be ashamed of good host etiquette."

So why did my face feel hot? It seemed like something only Dabi was able to do. Maybe it was because he knew his way around words or how his face seemed to display irritatingly interesting expressions.

It was a cursed ability I'd rather he not have.

Everything he did was a new experience, and I wasn't thankful of the adventure he took me on each time I was within his vicinity. I wanted to escape the moment he was too close and maybe this is the ploy he had the entire time.

If he could successfully turn me away from him then I would stop searching for the LOVs base. It was a great idea the only issue is that he was dealing with myself, Tsunami, y/n. There was no end to my goals or plans, I would do whatever necessary.

But there was a voice at the back of my brain nagging me that idea incorrect and there was an entire other reason as to why he bothered me so often.

"How are your burns?" I asked wanting to change the subject.

"They're fine I can deal with it."

Squinting my eyes, I didn't believe it but decided to not prod any further. "I wish I could thank All For One." He's made my life so much easier with All Might out of the way it left endeavour completely overwhelmed it was almost amusing how it came to light how little the other heroes actually did in terms of controlling crime.

I shovelled a spoonful of food into my mouth before grabbing the ointment, holding out my hand, I motioned for him to take off his shirt and come over to where I was.

He reluctantly followed suit and the closer he got the more interested I became in the ingredients listed on the bottle.

Lanolim, Patrolium, AloeVera... I should make more of an effort to start reading the labels of things.

"Who knew I'd end up jealous of a bottle."


"You're giving it your undivided attention, attention that belongs to me."


Word Count: 904

Sorry this has taken so long to update kinda got carried away with life but im back and to the wonderful person who wanted this to continue THANK YOU!! I gave up on this story but I'll try to revive it until the very last chapter.

Art cred: Horikoshi Kohei (the og creator oh mha), meme cred: BIRF from instagram

As always your postly dabi meme

Remember to stay hydrated have a snack if you haven't already and have a good nights rest XD

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Remember to stay hydrated have a snack if you haven't already and have a good nights rest XD

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