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Taking my keys out of my pocket I twirled them around my finger "to KFC."


"Can I please get 2 12-piece buckets of the original chicken?" I tried ordering, but the worker behind the counter had every ounce of her attention on Dabi.

Rubbing her cheeks in a line "I like your piercings" she complimented.

Staring blankly at her "They're staples." He replied annoyed with the small talk she was attempting to make.

Blushing she tucked a chunk of her raven black hair behind her ear revealing a multitude of earrings.

"Oh, cool what can I get you then?"

Rolling his eyes he glanced at me through the corner of his eye before looking back at the server "Can I get 2 12-piece buckets of the original chicken." I repeated my initial order.

Finally acknowledging my presence, she glared at me while giving my body a once over "anything else?" her tone curt.

"A medium melon soda, large pepsi and..." I trailed off turning to Dabi.

"I don't want anything." He answered my silent question.

Ignoring him I ordered "An ice coffee." Keying in the drinks she had me pay for the food a closemouthed smile remaining on her lips.

"Your food should be ready shortly." She mentioned handing over the ticket number '184'

Moving to a secluded corner Dabi pulled he hood of his jumper further over his face still paranoid about being in public.

I believed it'd be a while before he fully trusted that I had enough power within the 'justice' system to withhold all arrests to whoever I pleased.

"Why the fuck is she still staring." He muttered under his breath as his turquoise eyes lit up with irritation almost daring her to continue.

"OMG is that Pro Hero Hawks?!?" A woman in the store screamed out as she stared intently through the window.

Snapping his head towards me Dabi gave me a look with 'what the fuck?' written all over it shrugging I turned a blind eye to his calm panic.

I had told him that the 'Heroes' were on a whole other level that I wouldn't be able to control, but that only applied to a few of the up tight ones that wouldn't let a grain of sand slip through their hands.

In full honesty I hated Hawks, he was annoying, was blasé about serious topics and cracked jokes at the worst of times.

I just had a craving to know how useful he actually was and today was the day, by introducing him to Dabi briefly it would give me some incite into him both personally and professionally.

Directing my attention to the crowded window I was barely able to make out the shape of his giant wings as he flew high in the sky.

"184!" A voice called out over the chatter, walking up I grabbed the food as Dabi kept his head down following dangerously close behind.

I was surprised he hadn't stepped on the backs of my shoes with how little the gap between us both was.

"We need to get the fuck out of here." He growled into my ear his chin hovering over my shoulder.

Quickening my pace, I didn't intend to send him into a frenzy I simply wanted to tease him a little, consider it payback as we made our way to an empty multi-story carpark.

Climbing up the stairwell I could sense the curiosity he had as he began to walk up the steps next to me.

None of us dared to speak afraid that the words may echo off the walls in the stairwell.

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