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Holding me tight the song came to a close "one more day y/n"


"Where are they?" I sighed out in frustration tapping my foot.

I should have expected Shigaraki to be one to show up at whichever time was more convenient to him.

We had agreed to meet at 8pm yet here I was standing in a dingy, wet, smashed in convenience store. Packets of things people find no value in taking were sprawled all across the floor accompanying the glass shards.

"Are we a little late for you?" Shigaraki's voice could be heard from behind my shoulder "what a shame." He snarked waiting for me to turn around.

Swivelling on my black heels Ainas small frame stood there her originally bright hair felt as if it looked dull in the birds' nest that it laid in "Couldn't spare a hairbrush?" I spat as she instinctively joined my side.

Rolling his eyes he crossed his arms withdrawing from the conversation "We had some last minute errands to run."

Which meant that while she waited for him, there was more than enough time to tame her hair so that it would look more wind swept than its current look of not being brushed in 3 days.

"It was lovely working with you Dabi." I complimented, yes it had been frustrating, but I had made so many advancements with my research I could throw all the negatives out of the window.

His iconic smirk pulled at his lips "I can say it was amusing." The other two in the room gave confused looks as we stared one another down, myself sending the message to not go there and him daring himself that he would.

Aina tugged at my hand motioning that we should be on our way bidding fair well I held on tight to her hand ready to be teleported away.

"See ya later loser!" Aina teased poking her tongue out at the leader of the LOV before disappearing into thin air and back into her room in the office building.

Laughing I stared in disbelief "did you really just call Shigaraki a loser?"

Tilting her head to the side "yeah I did, not my fault he sucks at Mario Kart" she whipped one side of her hair over her shoulder.

I was surprised she had gotten away with calling him that without any recourse but then again, she hadn't left much room for him to do anything.

"Anyway, I'll be needing you to 'DeT' then return to my office." I ordered leaving the room.

'DeT' was what everyone returning from undercover or high-risk missions did, they first were searched for any trackers then were transferred to another room where they would complete a physical test to ensure that they weren't harmed and could still function relatively close to their last results. They then would move and do a reaction assessment in which they would be shown photos while their breathing, heart, and neuropaths were being monitored to ensure they hadn't suffered any trauma.

Calling up the department I waited for someone to pick up as I entered the elevator pressing the button to the top floor.

"L/n how may we be of assistance?" The asked my number already saved in their data base.

A ding sounded as the doors opened allowing me to exit "could you send me Ainas DeT results in live time."

"Of course, she's currently being checked as of now so the results should start coming to your computer within the next 10 minutes." They responded as I heard the tapping of keys on the line.

"Thank you" I ended the call entering my office exactly how I left it not a single thing out of place.

I would hope that Shigaraki was smart enough to not allow anything to happen to her and dumb enough to keep her close so that she could fish for information.

Sitting down on the cool leather a ping resounded throughout the empty room as a link was sent to myself via email, clicking on it a graph of everything that was being studied popped up.

Watching along nothing really changed as expected her heart rate picked up and her breathing became heavier during her physical but what really peaked my interest was the reaction test.

There seemed to be two images that caused her heart to race whether that be in fear or something else I was unaware, but I quickly noted them and wrote to be sent the image files for the ones that peaked.

A picture of Toga and Shigaraki came through and I could only estimate the reason behind the results. Togas was easy as she wasn't what you would deem a normal teenage girl with her obsession with asking people for their blood sample, but I was afraid that with how Aina had conversed with the ashen quirked male it may not be fear that was involved.


Word Count: 822

Art Cred: I'm unaware of its source as nothing came up in the reverse image search but I think it says brthpage?^ and a random photo from pinterest v

As always your postly Dabi meme

Remember to stay hydrated, have a snack if you haven't already and get a good nights sleep^3^

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Remember to stay hydrated, have a snack if you haven't already and get a good nights sleep^3^

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