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Pouting I placed it into my back pocket "you're no fun." I twirled around in the chair facing the other direction.


I held my throbbing head in my hands, god what was I thinking drinking away my non existent problems like that? Did I do it for the stress? And then to have Dabi of all people come in and burst my very own name like that? Actually how did he figure that out.

I stretched my hand out to check the time wincing as my phone screen flashing a bright light that I could have sworn burnt out my retinas. Squinting through the pain and possible blindness I caught sight of the number 6.

Night or day? I'd have to open my curtains to find out. Rolling out of bed I trudged my way along the seemingly massive one metre walk to the window pulling the curtains back as if ripping off a band aid I expected to turn into dust in the morning sun, but I was met with a cloud of darkness...wait what it was dark out?

I slept the entire day.

I crumpled to the floor knees first ignoring the pain that shot up my legs and the bruising that it would surely leave. I had a meeting with U.A today. One that could help secure a plethora of business for years to come with those kids and also to make sure they wouldn't get called in as back up during my final hoorah and even if they did, they wouldn't be any help.

"Are you done?" a raspy voice called out from the near pitch black whipping my head up I saw his turquoise eyes before I saw him.

"You?" I frowned as he stepped into the room "I'm not one to critique interior design but curtains to your bathroom is a little strange y/n." he rested against the door frame his arms crossed.

"Don't call me that also what's even more peculiar is that you were in my bathroom with the lights off." I raised an eyebrow as I stood up, what was he doing here? Actually how long had he been in there...hopefully not long enough to take note of some strange unknown sleeping habits that I have.

Walking over to my bed I sat down lying back, slightly relieved that I hadn't missed such a big opportunity "how do you know my name?" I spoke quietly almost cautiously as if I was hoping that he'd answer with my alias.

He laid down beside me placing his hands behind his head, "because you weren't always tsunami you were once a child who went to school and played with other kids."

The corners of my lips tipped up "so you went through the trouble of talking to Aina long enough to get her to reveal where we went to school just to learn my name?" I mused.

As I looked up at the ceiling shot memories of school replaying in my head, I felt his eyes boring into the side of my skull. "No, I was interested to figure out who your father was."

Those words caused me to freeze and every muscle in my body to tense and I'm sure that Dabi could feel it "my father." I pushed out through gritted teeth not knowing whether I was asking about why he was curious or just confirming he did in fact bring him up.

"Yes, your father you know the one that just so happens to own about half of Tokyo?"

"I'm well aware of who my father is Dabi I'm not an idiot." How could I forget all he owns when the only reason for my existence was so he had someone of the same blood to continue his legacy, his empire.

Whether my father was born or created I didn't care he lost all my hope in him as a man the day he decided that while I a 10-year-old child was clinging to his leg begging him to not to take me to anymore of the dinners with his business partners he hopped on the phone and pencilled one in while staring straight at my soul.

Knowing fully well what those men did to me when they took me into the other private room to 'teach me' the ins and outs of the trade.

The dip where Dabi laid felt as if it moved ever so closer towards me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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