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She smirked, and just like that she had disappeared into thin air the chorus of farewells falling onto deaf ears.


I lit a few peony scented candles around the place in condolence to the former number one Hero... If that was something that he could be called.

I was aware that he was the dream and aspiration of many. He fell into the medias picture perfect image of a saviour, but it unsettled me with the support he showed up coming heroes.

Why did no one tell children the harsh realities of the world anymore? They seemed to leave it to them to figure out on their own and it wasn't fair to put someone immature and naïve in that position.

Staring down the hall that I stood in I noticed how many flowers I had actually ordered, if I were to admit it, I'd say that it was too many. I had decorated every metre with the blooming flower.

Surely the pollen would clog up someone's lungs, it was a good thing I was the only one home, wandering aimlessly around my quaint home just outside the heart of the city.

I had gotten a home here because it was peaceful with no disruption, the best part was that no one here recognised my face they all just saw me as a quiet neighbour smiling warmly when I passed. It was a nice change of pace from the constant eyes I usually had on me.

Hearing a panicked banging on the door I turned my head quickly confused to who it could be at... I looked at the time on my phone, 11pm.

I wanted to ignore it, but I had passed a note along to Dabi not more than 2 months ago telling him that if he had issues then this was a place, he was welcome, only him.

Gripping the handle, I looked through the peep hole just to confirm it was who I wanted to open the door to, and I was met with a gruesome sight.

Flinging the door open, Dabi seemed more on edge as he looked around the darkened street, a flickering lamp post across the road, fit with the task of illuminating the space for the next 5 houses either side.

His staples were bleeding running along his freshly crisped and cracked skin, but even with what looked like painful injuries he stood as if it were normal, and maybe it was.

"Come inside." I ushered moving out of the way taking a quick glance before closing the door to ensure no one was around.

As he entered the little foyer before the hall, he winced in pain methodically trying to cover his exposed skin. "The flowers." He muttered as he wobbled deeper into the house.

Rushing I gathered the vases in my hands juggling to carry the six of them placing them in a spare room, exiting I waved my hands through the air in an attempt to try and dissipate the pollen. It wasn't my poison, but it seemed to be his.

Treading down the hall I noticed the bathroom door open, sink running. Dabi was in there lapping water onto his arms, splashing the liquid all over the counter and floor.

Leaning against the doorway I crossed my arms. "Why don't you just use the shower?" it would be far quicker in cooling down his skin and save me from having to mop up the swimming pool that he was currently creating.

"Clothes." He barely opened his mouth to say the words. Nodding my head, I turned away to go find him some.

I had kept some from when we had gone shopping. He had refused to take them with him after the contract ended so I stored them in a little box at the back of my wardrobe.

He had obviously pushed his quirk too far it was apparent but what had he done it for?

The answer left me unsatisfied, that wasn't the question I needed nor wanted to ask, but if so then what was?

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