15 1 0

"You're giving it your undivided attention, attention that belongs to me"


"You ok? You seem distracted." Aina tentatively questioned peeking from behind my office door taking note of the books and paper littering the room and my dishevelled look.

Looking good was for those who had time and I had none of it so who cares if my hair was a mess and my clothes weren't ironed? It's not like I had someone to do it for me.

"You know what Aina." I pushed myself back staring at her through tired eyes "I declare that we give up on Dabi, he's a complete and utter nuisance."

With his stupid jokes, and idiotic behaviour even his dumb nice for looking at face he was a nuisance. Maybe it wasn't even his choices that were the issue, no that's too obvious it's clearly his existence.

Just you wait Dabis parents I have some rather unkind words about your son to say to you.

Rei why did you make a son that wears leather jackets and smells of hard liquor?

Speaking of liquids that inebriate you, don't drink them from a straw you take one sip and suddenly the whole cups empty which is the exact reason I in my infinite wisdom have been drinking straight from the bottle!

"Uh uh I don't think so missy" Aina tutted as she grasped the bottle tightly hiding it behind her back.

Handing it over to a security guard at the door I bid my happy juice goodbye. The true joy snatched away by the one I call my best friend oh the betrayal!

This a crime against humanity, one that I cannot ignore. "Guards! Off with her head" I pointed a wobbly finger at her and her twin I won't take the chances of the guilty one getting away with their terrible deed.

"y/n how much have you had to drink?"

"How much is gone from the bottle?"

She gave a glare one that I had last seen jeez when had I last seen it? Was it when I had threatened to drown her father for trying to set up an arranged marriage? Or was it when she found out that bitch from school went 'missing' because of me?

Mind you those are definitely worse than drinking but maybe the bar has dropped since I've been forced to be good.

"I know your technically my boss but I'm also your best friend actually no we're practically family and you should know that I'm not against embarrassing you to sober you up."

I stared into her eyes, and I made sure it was her so I could look into her soul, and my eyes began to leak "we're family" my voice wavering.

Stumbling over I wrapped her in my vice like grip fully aware that my ugly cry was on full display.

She gladly returned my embrace quite tightly like I can't breath tightly. "Is this a good time to apologise?"

Please what could she ever have to apologise for she just accepted me into her family no matter how way ward it may be just like mine is.

"What a heart-warming sight." I rough voice spoke from behind her.

"Can't say the same mine is awful." I scowled at Dabi, how dare he interrupt us we were bonding.

"Oh, my goodness Dabi! What are you doing here?" Aina pulled back running over to him "Do you have a meeting? I should leave, bye" and with that she was gone I doubt she'd stay in the building.

Stalking back over to my desk I flopped down withholding the temper tantrum that I wanted to have. Slowly he followed me step by step, painstakingly, deliberately, unrushed.

"Don't like waiting, do you?" he stated as if he could read my thoughts but really what was I waiting for?

"Waiting for what?"

Smirking he placed his hands on the mahogany wood leaning in "I don't know Tsunami I'm not a psychic, but I do know something y/n"

My body froze up how did he know my name, shit no one knows my name. Why did it have to be him it wasn't fair. Dragging my hands down my face in exasperation I refused to look at him.

If I can't see him then he can't see me, which physically was impossible but on a mental level it helps the tiniest of bits in calming someone down.

He began laughing, it was a soft laugh, not one that you'd expect to come from a psychopathic killer more like as if it came from just a normal guy in his 20's laughing along with friends but that wasn't what his life was like.

Peeking through my fingers I had my eyes squinted because I knew it was myself that he was laughing at, yet I wanted to relish in how at ease he was but what I saw wasn't some cocky smirk paired with teasing eyes I saw a genuine smile that he was trying to hide behind his hand.

Without knowing a smile graced my own lips as I laid back in my chair watching, wanting to burn this image into my mind.

"Take a picture it will last longer Doll." He chimed breaking me out of thought.

I had been staring but in what matter did it seem like? I genuinely have no idea my brain was too inebriated to do that sort of thinking. Although I still had my greatest wisdom and pulled out my phone opening the camera app.

A large hand gripped the top of it pushing it down and out of the way, "uh uh I don't think so."

Pouting I placed it back into my pocket "you're no fun." I twirled around in the chair facing the other direction.


My gosh time flies by doesn't it? Well I'm back hopefully you enjoy the chapter!

And as always remember to stay hydrated, have a snack and get a good nights rest! (p≧w≦q)

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