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I wonder what it'd be like if they actually knew?


"Do they really think I'm that naive." I complained as my fist curled into a tight ball in frustration.

Laughing lightly, it was amusing at how much they underestimated me, they really thought that they were that they were geniuses with everything figured out as if it were written in black and white.

Waiting outside that door had been a fantastic idea, to listen in on their conversation about how I'm 'working with the LOV.'

My little involvement with the LOV was for my own interests I need Dabi and they already have him.

"Aw what's got your royal highness so worked up?" Dabi pouted as he entered the room taking quick note of my state.

Heaving out a sigh "those heroes" the words left my mouth with the air that escaped past my lips.

Running a hand through his hair he sluggishly walked over to the coffee machine grabbing a mug.

"So that's what's been bugging you the past couple days?" he enquired as he leant back on the counter crossing his arms.

This had become somewhat routinely for us as we both found ourselves here together time and time again although this was the first time that he had dressed outside of his usual attire.

Matching black hoodie and tracks clothed him as they hung loosely over his frame.

"It's really put a halt to production with the extra heroes patrolling the office and how they've started shoving their noses around Base A."

They didn't make their suspicions about me half obvious and I'm sure the number one objective on their list was our current location.

Turning to pick up his coffee "then just get rid of them." He shrugged nonchalantly.

"If only it was that easy." I replied, it really would be nice to be able to get of them with no recourse.

But everything has its equal and opposite reaction, and they certainly wouldn't take kindly to myself dealing with it on my own before asking them to do it for me.

Coming over my way he placed a hand on my head giving it a few pats "I forgot you were a goody two shoes." A teasing tone dripping from his voice.

Scowling I grabbed a hold of his wrist the metal staples cool under my fingertips "who said you could do that?"

"I did darling." He took a sip of coffee watching my reaction in amusement.

I didn't know what had caused his fascination with nicknames but with no one else around to use them on I often found myself on the receiving end.

"Could you stop with all the nicknames?" I asked as I stared into his eyes, a most likely pleading look bleeding through my own.

"Hmm do you only want one especially for you?" he stepped in closer than he had already been, and it felt suffocating.

He licked his lips "Sweetheart? Honey? Angel?" my face screwed up in disagreement I didn't want any pet name at all my name would work just as well.

Noticing my distaste to all of them he leaned into my ear "or would someone prefer their favourite?"


The name rolled off his tongue, the velvety tone sounded like music in my ears.

He softly breathed out sending a shiver down my spine, the familiar quickening pace of my heart began.

"I hate that one." I shakily said, turning my head the other way in hopes to ignore the reaction I had.

Leaning back, he gently gripped my chin forcing me to look at him.

"Aww Doll your mouths telling me one thing but the rest of you is saying otherwise." He smirked before promptly letting go acting as if it was nothing.

Everything that I felt was so foreign not being able to dissect what it meant agitated me, but I wasn't going to go about googling it, my pride wouldn't allow me to do that.

"That's enough Dabi." I couldn't help myself from recoiling from his touch and the way it ignited my skin causing it to burn.

Dropping his hand to his side he tilted his head observing me, just simply watching every expression on my face and I was beginning to think that it was something he enjoyed looking at.

My face.

I couldn't comment much on my looks, my nose allowed me to breathe, my mouth allowed me to eat, and my eyes let me sleep.

Though I suppose some may find interest in boring things and who was I to judge what people enjoyed divulging themselves into.

"Is there ever a time you aren't thinking?"

Pondering the question, sure there were times when I didn't, but thought is a natural response to occurrences throughout.

"When I sleep." The answer came out on autopilot, Dabi had a habit of when we were here that he'd guide the conversation and allow it to wander off whenever he pleased.

Placing himself on the grey fabric couch he patted the space beside him beckoning me over I followed.

Sitting on the opposite side I laid against the arm rest, bringing my knees to my chest I ensured that my calves covered the space that my skirt did not.

He didn't seem to mind. I suppose after spending time with Toga, who didn't seem to care much for appropriate sitting you would learn to turn a blind eye to it.

"I've been invited to the JNF Gala, and you'll be attending with me." I was the first to break the silence by inviting him to the gala for Japans Notable Female Figures of the year.

It was an elite party for elite citizens, the place would be filled with successful businesswomen, politicians, female pro heroes' exedra.

If you had done outstanding work that year, you were on the invite list as well as your chosen plus one.

Most women chose to attend by themselves unless they were in a public relationship or had a partner who helped closely for them to achieve their goals.

"Do I get a say in this?" Dabi questioned.



Word Count: 1021

☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Art Cred: Crazyclarabr on Tumblr ( crazyclarabr.tumblr.com ) ^ rxvenx. on Pinterest v

As always your postly Dabi meme

Remember to stay hydrated, have a snack if you haven't already and get a goodnights sleep also don't forget skincare my loves </3

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Remember to stay hydrated, have a snack if you haven't already and get a goodnights sleep also don't forget skincare my loves </3

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