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Why was the rest of the skull not found with it?


Dabis quirk was far more interesting than I could have ever fathomed. Almost everything that I had instructed him to destroy was obliterated within seconds.

Although the consistent beeping coming from the graph test was indicating small human errors that were affecting the quirks usage.

The main one spiking wasn't caused by any vital organs that would put the trial to an immediate stop, it was coming from his skin cells.

I had to look into it because it could very well be a systematic error that was throwing my results out, and considering that Dabis anatomy should be well built to deal with the heat it would be the most likely reason

Pressing the button for the intercom mic I leant over "Could you use your quirk at its full extent for five seconds."

Standing back up I watched as he begrudgingly held his hand up sending another burst of flames at the already charred concrete block.

Although the calculations followed with how they should have with all the systems working, the stress of his skin peaking where his flames were hottest and dropping back down when he stopped.

It made me quite curious, if this was an issue that Dabi has to deal with is it possible that endeavour would have to as well?

Placing the tablet down I walked towards the sterile white door to enter the room which he was being surveyed in.

"Deciding to join the party?" he teased as he rolled his eyes my way.

Not answering I continued his way stopping directly in front of him, raising my hand I went to lightly touch the scarring below his eyes to see if I could detect any physical heat.

Dabi flinched backwards when my hand had come too close for comfort, pulling my hand back to my side aware of the awkward silence.

I had forgotten to consider that flesh to flesh contact may need warranting.

Though with the amount of time that had passed even if I had asked this time the chance of any heat remaining would be slim as he would have mostly cooled of from the point of climax.

As soon as a source is taken off a direct heat source the temperature begins to drop, it was basic science.

"Would you like to continue with the experiment or begin to finish up?" I enquired conscious that many find it difficult to up past twelve in the morning especially when having to do something that doesn't interest them.

"Is this your way of asking how I am?" he held a hand over his heart "I feel so honoured."

Looking into his turquoise eyes that twinkled with mischief I huffed out a sigh "If you aren't going to give me an answer, I will choose for you."

"You didn't deny what I said doll." Dabi tilted his head to the side his hair slightly falling with the motion.

Freezing in my spot the cogs in my brain tried to process the words that my ears had just heard.

I wasn't sure if my reaction was due to no being stood up to very often or the name he had used, but the way my mind reeled couldn't be caused by something as trivial as the moniker 'Doll' I was just given.

I wasn't a person was so easily flus... unnerved.

"Aww to think you'd get so flustered from something as simple as a pet name." the smug man cooed a satisfied smile plastered on his face.

"Don't think so lowly of me." I snarled wanting to defuse the discussion, my mind was a place constantly filled with words yet in this very moment its supply seemed to be drying out.

Turning around my white lab coat gusted out as the wind pushed against it.

"I'd never dream of it doll" He dragged out the last part to push on my buttons, I didn't stop but my body tensed in a foreign way.

I hoped that he hadn't noticed otherwise I was certain that it would be used again against myself in the future.

"You're done for today please ask for Akechi to guide you to your room."

Which was located next to my own, not because I wished it was that way but because it had to be.

If he ended up scheming during the night, I only trusted my capabilities, everyone in this building is extremely talented but they had grown up feeling as if they could only rely on their intelligence.

Which I find a shame because it completely destroys their complexity, and intrigue as a human.

Once I was sure that he had been guided to where he needed to be I always made my way in that direction greeting a few people as they also made their way to their respected rooms.

Standing in front of my room I placed my finger on they keypad allowing it to scan my finger before unlocking, strolling into my space the door automatically closed behind me.

Rolling my neck from side to side I stretched out my arms as I grabbed my laptop, laying on the bed I readied myself for a long night of surveying Dabi.

I had set up cameras for safety purposes, they were well hidden although there was one I had wanted moved to another area but it wasn't able to be wired to me from the spot in which I would have preferred.

Opening my laptop, I was greeted with an image of Tokyo lit up at night, keying in the password the surveillance app installed was already up and running.

It had been programmed to show all the lens views at once.

Nothing was unusual, Dabi was still wearing what I had previously seen him in, now with his shoes off and laying with his hands behind his head, resting on the pillows.

Even so I should have expected that when I flicked my eyes to the bottom left of the screen that he'd be staring right back at me.

Being stunned wasn't a situation that I was found in very often and today being filled with shock more than once today made me uncomfortable.

I sought condolence in predictable matters, and he had completely pierced through my bubble and founded it as his new enjoyment.

Out of all the cameras he had the chance of finding, he saw the pin sized one located in the bedside lamp.

"You know, filming me was already questionable but the mics as well?" he turned around so that the rest of his body matched his head.

"I'm sure it's you that's watching right now which is why I'm not letting you sleep tonight." He dragged a large palm under his cheek to lie on, not blinking once since the moment I had noticed his unwavering gaze.


Art cred: SofiaSamara on insta (omg he looks so ethereal) ^ the watermark says GGKTKAT but I'm unsure of what platform they post on (I found it on pinterest and it had a wattpad link)

So how are we feeling today, Doll~? lol jk but actually how are you? Hopefully well!

I'd like to say thank you so much for the reads!! (^∀^●)ノシ We're almost at 100 (⊙o⊙)

As always your postly Dabi meme

Remember to stay hydrated, have a snack if you haven't already and make sure u get a good nights sleep( ゚д゚)つ Bye

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Remember to stay hydrated, have a snack if you haven't already and make sure u get a good nights sleep( ゚д゚)つ Bye

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