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Although I dance on the very thin line between Hero and Villain, I can at least thank myself for not being completely one or the other.


"How was last night?" Dabi had the audacity to ask me as he laid back onto the couch a playful shine in his eyes.

The answer was horribly. I had spent most of the night tossing and turning restlessly trying to filter my own thoughts.

I love my brain and the way it functioned most of the time, I truly do but it was at days or nights that it refused to switch off and fought itself that frustrated me.

"It was good, how was yours?" I lied, crossing my legs I tried sitting up straighter in the cushioned chair.

Raising his arms up Dabi stretched his muscles out letting them rest behind his head once he was done "I had one of the most enjoyable moments."

"Such a pretty little thing with their hair everywhere and eyes so wide stared at me as if I was the only thing that existed." The words rolled off his tongue fluently as he looked at me through hooded eyes.

My top lip lifted ever so slightly in disgust, assured that was most definitely how I looked "I'm glad for a moment you felt as if you weren't just another number." I snapped, grabbing my notes.

Listening to what I said his eyebrows raised as his eyes widened "what harsh words here I was thinking I was special." He joked moving a hand to his chest in mock hurt.

Had he actually seen it that way, the same as I had? Well, I didn't feel special, but I had thought that the moment itself was more than something that could be casted aside.

I was quite harsh, wasn't I? Dabi wasn't someone who was easily offended or hurt but from everything I had learnt from copious amounts of research, people often hide what they truly thought in order to protect themselves, a person, or the situation.

"You should see the look on your face." He laughed "Don't go around thinking that I actually care about those things."

He was an unhinged, psychotic killer and I needed to remember that his mind worked differently and wasn't as easy to navigate as another. He thrived in the pain and suffering of mankind.

"Don't worry I'm aware that your psyche wouldn't allow that." I smiled.

It was extremely annoying that he enjoyed toying with me, that he knew exactly what to say or do to rile me up.

Taking a deep breath in I began on today's notion which was the interrogation. The week would work in perfectly organised sections, we were on the second day, so the second matter was being covered.

Clicking on the pen I asked the first question "Are there any other names or alias that you go by?"

"No just Dabi." Scribbling out the question there was no point in writing down the answer, it was mainly used to break into the interview.

I had really wanted to learn more on the person with the opposite moral obligation to endeavour.

"Why did you become a villain" I squinted my eyes as the most common answer at this time came out of this mouth.

"I agreed with Stains ideology." It was the best lie the people who followed Stain came up with. The sentence itself was mostly truthful but the only reason individuals followed it was because they sought a bittersweet revenge whether it be personal or a deep-rooted vendetta only their actions would tell.

"Then why do you only chase endeavour?" I prodded knowing that he would already be defensive wondering where our little chat would wind us up to.

A cold glare was sent my way in warning that if I pressed too many buttons it would work at my disadvantage "I thought we already discussed why we both do." He stated as he leaned forward from his laxed position.

"We did." But "I'm going after endeavour because all the other little heroes will show up to come save the day." I wanted to destroy them all and if they truly thought that with their numbers and names it would be easy, I'd destroy all their hopes and the admiration of the people that they protected along with them.

"So many birds with just one stone." It would be perfect.

Dabi sat complacent I was unsure if the grit of his teeth showed his disagreement or if the intrigue in his orbs showed his understanding of the greater picture.

The thought of all the faces they will make when they realise my truce was a rouse to buy me more time made me giggle.

"You really are crazy." He pointed out as my laughter began to subside.

Glancing over I took a moment to think "Say Dabi would you like to grab something to eat?"

A countenance of devilish delight took over his features as he tilted his head to the side "As a date?" he queered already knowing the answer.

Shaking my head, I replied "No, I actually have someone I'd like you to meet." Someone who's endeavours self-proclaimed '#1 fan.'

Uncrossing my legs, I rose out of the rather comfortable chair to head to our destination beckoning him to follow, "who said I was coming?" he raised his eyebrows.

"Either you come with and meet this person, or you break our contract." I sneered "The choice is yours."

Slowly standing he looked at me in annoyance from his hand being forced "where are we going?"

Taking my keys out of my pocket I twirled them around my finger "to KFC."


Word Count: 949

WE REACHED 100+ READS! WOOOOO 138 to be exact! ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノI'm so sorry it took me so long to celebrate it with a chapter (;′⌒') but THANK YOU for your support so far!

As always, your postly dabi meme

Remember to stay hydrated, have a snack if you haven't yet and get a goodnights sleep ( •̀ ω •́ )✧

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Remember to stay hydrated, have a snack if you haven't yet and get a goodnights sleep ( •̀ ω •́ )✧

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