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But I was afraid that with how Aina had conversed with the ashen quirked male it may not be fear that was involved.


"Is this really necessary" Aina complained as I finished hooking up the listening device to the inside of her jacket.

Deadpanning her, she knew full well that if it wasn't I wouldn't waste the time doing so.

"How many times do I have to tell you that nothing happened, and I still just see them all as business partners. Except for Toga she's." A shiver went down her spine before she could finish the last part of her sentence "not ok." Aina finally finished her face contorting into a grimace as she remembered all her encounters with the unstable blonde especially the ones when Aina was supposedly asleep.

Ignoring her question, I handed over a wax sealed envelope "what did we practice?"

"Hand over the envelope, only Dabi can read it, after he has, he's on strict instructions to burn it and I only leave once he's done so." Resting my hands on her slumped shoulders I gave a smile.

"And...?" I trailed wanting her to continue. "And if I don't return in half an hour, you'll send over a search party." She rolled her eyes, unamused at the situation she was in.

Patting her shoulders, I gave her one last hug "make sure you stay safe." I really in full honesty don't know what I would do if she was out in danger. Shielding her from most evils had a high chance of biting me behind in the long run but it's just something I couldn't risk. Ever.

She had been with me ever since my first transfer to her middle school, every student there including staff had very mixed emotions some jumping me each chance they got to be called a hero since my father was a very well known...businessman or avoiding myself at all costs in fear that If I even so much caught wind that they had taken a single glance at me. Then there was Aina a short girl with extravagant hair and a loud personality who decided she was sick of the adversity and sat with me at lunch one day.

Trust in me that I had tried to push her away for friends are just another weakness for people to prod at but there was this inner joy that burned so brightly within me that I finally wasn't alone that I wouldn't have to wonder if I could finish my food before I was threatened with another rumour so that I could be taken away.

Now I thank her for being so persistent and not giving up after the amount of cold shoulders I gave her because the friendship we have now is something that I will always cherish even if everything does come crashing down.

~~~ At the LOV ~~~

"I swear to god if you say one more thing about Stain." Shigaraki gritted out as his fingers curled into fists out of annoyance.

Dabi leaned against the bar crossing his arms over his chest "Or what?"

"He'll turn you into dust." A voice nonchalantly commented as they pulled out a bar stool to sit on.

"Aina~!" Toga squealed her eyes practically turning to hearts at the sight of the taller female who tried to conjure up her best fake smile as Toga skipped towards her at an alarmingly fast pace, arms wide open.

Reaching Aina she threw her arms haphazardly around her "I knew you'd miss me!" as she spoke, she drummed her small pocketknife against Ainas cheek, who sat there wide-eyed praying to every godly being that she would walk out alive and with every drop of blood still in her body.

"Go back to playing poker with Twice." Shigaraki ordered glaring at the girl not giving her room to argue. Toga moved her mouth to Ainas ear whispering "Don't worry I'll get to have my turn." Obviously dragging the knifes blade a little too harshly for comfort before going back to playing card games.

Breathing a sigh of a relief Aina laid her head on the bar's countertop trusting that since Kurogiri looked after it that it was clean.

"So, what brings you to this side of town?" Dabi asked as he sat in the free seat in between his boss and your subordinate feeling tension coming from the former.

"You've got mail!" she beamed at him as she dug out the slightly crinkled letter from her back pocket, smoothing out the corners then handing it over cringing knowing that if you ever found out about it, she'd have to go through accountings paperwork. 1 crinkle was equivalent to 10 minutes of numbers and Aina was NOT a numbers person.

If it wasn't for yourself, she would have failed maths in her last year of high school.

Naturally as the leader. Sub leader, Shigaraki went to read the letter too but was quickly interjected with Aina standing in front of him spread out like a starfish trying her best to block as much of his view from Dabi.

"Ah ah I don't think so." She tutted waving her finger.

Rolling his eyes, he stood up having to crane his neck down to look at her face considering their close proximity the 5-inch height difference seemed all the much further than normal.

"Who would you be to stop me?" his face was stoic void of any emotion whatsoever, Aina tilted her head to the side a cheeky grin engulfing her features.

"The winner at Mario Kart." She proudly declared not even bothering to worry about the fact that she was poking fun at a well-known serial killer.

Sitting back down Shigaraki took a sip from the whiskey he had ordered earlier "You won once." He slightly scratched at his neck knowing full well he had beaten her at the first 9 games.

"Yeah, well you said all or nothing it's not my fault you're a sore loser." Aina stuck her tongue out at him pretty chuffed that she beat him in the last game by a single second.

Dabi coughed as he tried to cover up a laugh earning an unamused glance from who he was laughing at.

The pair, Aina and Shigaraki sure had an interesting dynamic to Dabi it seemed that Shigaraki was slightly scared of Tsunami and in return paid more attention to Aina than everyone else while she enjoyed the thrill of getting a rise out of him, but what would he know? He had been gone the entire week so there was no knowing if his guess was correct.

Shrugging he lit a small flame and held the paper up to it letting the fire consume it lifting it up into the air to twirl around for a little until it all turned to ash.

"Well, that's my cue to leave! I wonder how long I've been gone?" Aina mused not having a watch to check how much time had passed.

"You've been here for a total of 28 minutes." Kurogiri helped her out as he cleaned the insides of glasses with a dry hand towel.

She ran a stressed hand through her hair, fingers crossed that you hadn't jumped the gun and gone looking for her earlier than mentioned.

But had it really been that long? It didn't feel as if most of her limit had been chewed up.

Readying her quirk, she waved goodbye at the group "See ya next time!" focusing on the light blue haired male "Cya sucker." She smirked, and just like that she had disappeared into thin air the chorus of farewells falling onto deaf ears.


Word Count: 1282

Art Cred: Pinterest ^ Y_ello on reddit v

As always your postly Dabi meme (not really a meme I just wanted to bless your eyes with maid Dabi)

As always your postly Dabi meme (not really a meme I just wanted to bless your eyes with maid Dabi)

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Remember to stay hydrated, have a snack and get a goodnights sleep (o゚v゚)ノ

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