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Knowing of Dabis watchful gaze I flicked my eyes to meet his "If you wish to help the doors to my office are open to you every Sunday."


"This isn't exactly what I had planned for a Sunday night." Dabi spoke leaning his head towards the ceiling out of boredom.

The stacks of paper were piled high, and I had multiple security lining the outside and inside of the large office space. When the risks were so high such measures had to be taken.

"We only have a few more topics to cover before I'm able to begin on my dissertation." I continued flicking through pages trying to find the immediate information that I needed so I wouldn't lose his interest too early into the study.

Looking up I passed a consent form his way "By signing and dating both sides of the form you will be consenting to be apart/present for a multitude of experiments that shall be conducted over the next 168 hours at the End Lab." I rested my elbows on the desk interlocking my hands.

"During these experiments you will need to remain within a 5-meter radius of myself as well to ensure no early leaks, please be aware that all information that is discussed with yourself, my colleagues and myself is confidential information that is strictly prohibited from being communicated to outside sources." I summarised as the wording per usual was lengthy.

Staring at him I awaited for his reaction, but he remained stoic the only thing that gave his thoughts away were his eyeballs that moved around to view the bystanders dotted carefully around the room.

Two were standing behind myself and two behind him but were located against the wall to give him breathing room.

"Didn't you say that this was top secret?" his gravely voice asked, vocal cords strained due to his stretched neck.

I too glanced around the room eyeing each and every individual just as he had done. "If you wish to assess whether they are loyal or not the choice is up to you, but I have entrusted each and every one of them, that they will not cave into any form of temptation." I assured, both respect and fear was instilled with my bodyguards.

Our mutual respect was shared as I believe in cooperation over domination in the work field, but that didn't mean they weren't aware of the obvious position difference.

In addition, their contract entitled what I would entail to be a somewhat harsh repercussion no matter the severity of the breach.

"Which reminds myself that you are bound by an agreement, yes? Dabis jaw visibly clenched before he gave a curt nod, sitting up straighter than before.

"Then let's bring Shigaraki in." with that signal both the doors to enter opened widely, the man mentioned standing in all his presence an old, withered hand grasping at his face as if it was meant to hold on from beyond the grave.

"Welcome Shigaraki Tomura, please make yourself comfortable and sit down." I smiled warmly at him motioning towards the empty seat next to Dabi.

Slowly he walked over as if time had stopped ticking, with not a care in the world if important things were needing to be done.

He sat in the chair acting like this was his own meeting and he would be the one controlling most of the conversation.

"Tsunami." He spat giving a dry smile "Dabi." He spoke lowly a glare fixated on the man who refused to acknowledge his boss's company.

"I want a replacement." Shigaraki spoke getting straight to the point, I must admit I did enjoy someone who was forthright.

Nodding, I gestured my hand outwards toward my left "Then I would suggest Ito he is my lead bodyguard an- "

"I don't want him; I want someone who's more... precious." His eyes brightened.

That was a common flaw with forthright people, their habit to interrupt.

Gritting my teeth, I asked "who do you have in mind?" knowing that he already knew exactly what he wanted.

Shigaraki smiled widely thinking he was getting his own way with everything "The person who invited me here, I want her."

I closed my eyes for an undetectable while longer than usual, letting out a sigh I suppose he didn't want to replace Dabis strength within the LOV but his worth to the 'Villain group'

Grabbing onto the brass handle of the top draw I pulled it open pressing in '474' on the keypad then the blue button located below out of the 4 other different colours.

Immediately Aina was by my side a small breeze drifted past my face from the recoil on how quickly she arrived.

Dabis brows raised "A teleportation quirk." He looked over at Shigaraki seeming to know what all his small gestures meant, the way he used his middle finger to scratch his thumb must have signalled something.

Turning towards the younger female I listed out what we had just concluded leaving her to decide if the plan would go through or be withheld for a moment.

After listening intently, she slowly lifted her eyes to observe the person who would be caring for her for the next 7 days, a slight disapproving scowl knitting on her face as she wasn't met with a pair of eyes staring back but a grey hand.

"Could you remove the hand from your face."

I saw the thought of ignoring me flash through his eyes before he leisurely discarded it from his face staring into Ainas apricot-coloured orbs with an unimpressed expression.

The longer that he maintained eye contact the more hers grew into that of satisfaction as she gently nodded her head.

"I'll go in place of Dabi." She smiled glancing one last time at Shigaraki.

Agitated he placed his mask in its original position, gripping the chair on both sides, pinkie up wanting to leave.

I don't believe that he was someone who was used to listening to orders and I'm sure that the itch to juristic was coursing through his veins.

Standing up I motioned Aina in for a hug. I couldn't say that I wasn't worried for her personal safety, I was throwing her into an area where no one, myself included knew of her location. In addition, she would be entrusting her life to a psychotic, immature, explosive stranger.

Should her security show signs of floundering, my right side will always remain clear.

Hooking my head on her shoulder that was out of sight and earshot "Please surveillance everyone you come into contact with." I whispered gently, withdrawing I unwrapped my arms having them idly lay beside me.

Turning back around I allowed Shigaraki to leave Aina following closely behind her pastel pink and purple hair slightly swayed as her back disappeared.

"So, we're going to be glued together for the next week?" Dabi intrigued, lazily watching my every movement.


Word Count: 1126

Cred: nala_bert on insta ^, Myra on pinterest v

I hope you guys enjoyed the 3rd chapter! I would say the trade was pretty fair (⌐■_■)

As always your postly Dabi meme

Remember to stay hydrated, have a snack if you haven't already and get a goodnights sleep     (~﹃~)~zZ

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Remember to stay hydrated, have a snack if you haven't already and get a goodnights sleep     (~﹃~)~zZ

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