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Nodding my head, I pulled out my phone "Please inform Aina that we will be having a guest."


Sitting straight in the black leathered button armchair I began tapping my foot, the sound vibrating off the walls of my quiet office.

Impatience was what fuelled my energy source today, a week was given to return the jacket, but 3 days seemed tardy, not one hour taken out of the 72 that have passed so far was used to visit.

I was thoroughly aware of the position he was in, with such a recognisable face there was only so much a hoodie, sunglasses and mask could do without drawing unwarranted stares. Which is the exact reason I decided to keep the doors open 24/7, only having a few security guards and Aina around.

Speaking of her my phone began to ring, picking it up I spoke into the phone "Hello"

"Hi, there's a guest here to see you would you like me to bring them up?" she spoke frantically into the phone as I heard the clicks of shoes and keyboards in the background.

Perking up at the mention of a visitor ushering her to take them to me, I adjusted the cuffs of my white button down, flipping them over to meet the edge of my black suit jacket.

Looking down I straightened the company's cloud shaped chalcedony brooch raining gold and diamonds on my tie as a faint knock resounded from the large mahogany door.

"Come in." I called out laying back in the chair, e/c eyes trained on the doorknob as it turned. Ainas form was the first to catch my attention before being taken away by Dabis laidback stature that towered over hers.

She gestured her hand forwards before stepping back allowing him to come into the office, bidding farewell she closed the door.

Dabi scanned his surroundings, flicking over the countless books that lined the walls, mostly filled with writings of Chemistry, Physics and Quirk Analysis.

Watching him intently I swivelled my chair to follow the direction that he moved in. "Please make yourself comfortable."

Glancing at me, he took notice of my personal writings that were stacked in alphabetical order. Striding across the vinyl flooring he made a bee line to the particular collection.

"What are you doing?" I asked resting my elbow on the armchair as I placed my head in my palm.

Scouring the shelf, he didn't bother looking at me as he replied "making myself comfortable."

Finding what he wanted he pulled out the first book on Enji Todoroki or better known as Endeavour as the title suggested.

Rolling the chair to meet behind him I grasped his broad shoulder the fabric of his usual coat feeling warm under my touch "I think you should put that one back." I spoke lowly before letting go.

I hadn't expected Dabi to be one of complacency, but he followed my word well putting the hardcover back where he had found it, before turning towards me.

"I'm guessing that the jacket wasn't just another excuse to see me" he drawled leaning closer to meet my height.

Pushing my feet against the floor I glided myself back to my original position behind the grand mahogany desk.

"You would be correct." I answered motioning for him to sit on the cushioned seat before me. Moving around he lowered into the chair allowing himself to get comfortable.

"So, what is it exactly that you want." He asked interlocking his hands together in his lap. Squinting at me ever so slightly he tried to analyse the reason behind my invitation.

I hadn't planned to lie to him I would tell him what he needed to know but not everything that he wishes to know until what I wanted had been secured.

Grabbing the sheets of paper to my left I placed them ahead of Dabi for him to read over.

"Part of what I want is information, in depth information on pyro type quirks." I responded feeding into his curiosity.

Flicking through the pages he pondered the idea for a few minutes the sound of silence filling the blank spaces in between.

Most of what he was reading were questions on pyro quirks, how they work, drawbacks, personality, and open area for my own thesis.

Bringing his head back up he scrutinised every small detail that was given "Why should I help you?" he questioned implying that there was more than just his quirk that was useful to me.

"You follow Stains ideology, don't you?" I tilted my head to the side as he nodded his in agreement "Then you'd be able to name one 'Hero' that's corrupt, I'm sure."

His turquoise pupils lit up with what I could imagine to be sinister desire as he replied "Endeavour."

Smiling fully, he had given the perfect answer. "All that makes him a 'Hero' is his drive and ability to defeat 'Villains', take any of his other characteristics and he'd be nothing more than scum." I spat, the talk of him leaving a hallucinate taste of bitter on my tongue

Zoning out a little I spoke without composed restraint "When you have a target, you sharpen your arrows."

A smirk spread across his lips as he realised how much my ideals aligned with his own "You really think Shigaraki's going to allow you to do this." He gestured between the both of us.

I blankly stared at the scarred man "He disintegrated one of our bases and it's already been rebuilt." I boasted, he wasn't much of a threat as long as he was kept in check and his childish tantrums remained small.

"But that is something worth discussing if he wishes to do so." I left on that note, standing up I walked to the window that lined the entire right wall from my seat.

Gazing upon the city of Musutafu, awaiting Dabi to join my side. Pointing to each and every building focusing on an especially large one "I plan to re-arrange this entire city." A beguiling grin grew as I watched the pieces fall into place.

Knowing of Dabis watchful gaze I flicked my eyes to meet his "If you wish to help the doors to my office are open to you every Sunday ."


Word Count: 1044 Cred: Sofia Samara from Instagram (I'm in love with her art style so you'll most likely see it often!) ^ *art above*

Cred: Pinterest v *meme*

The second chapter is out! I hope that you enjoyed (I think this is my favourite so far, sorry TTM)

As always your postly Dabi meme

Remember to stay hydrated, have a snack if you haven't already and get a good nights sleep ο(=•ω<=)ρ⌒☆

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Remember to stay hydrated, have a snack if you haven't already and get a good nights sleep ο(=•ω<=)ρ⌒☆

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