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Mark's pov

I was hanging out with Y/N and the whole NCT gang, only the 127 unit tho, my house is big, but not that big and Y/N only knows them as my friends.

"Alright boys!" Y/N spoke cheerfully, as she always does "I think I'll be heading now".

"Noooooo" Jungwoo whined "the movie was starting to get good" he said, as he pointed to the tv playing Suicide Squad.

Y/N just laughed at Jungwoo's comment, and just patted him in the head, like he's just a kid. "Sorry guys, but it's getting late, and I don't want to stay here in this mess" she said teasing me and I just chuckled at her last words.

"Let me walk you to the door" I said to my princess, who just rolled her eyes smiling.

I did as I said so and kissed her goodbye. "Have a nice trip princess" I said. She just thanked me and waved the others goodbye before she started walking away and I closed the door.

"Soooo..." Haechan spoke, getting my attention "when are you going to tell her?".

"About what?" I acted innocent, even though, I knew it wouldn't work.

"About how we are part of a gang and we have a lot of enemies and you are probably getting her in danger by being her boyfriend, remember?" Jaehyun spoke, and I just let out a big sigh, because even though I didn't want to admit it, it was true.

"Mark" Taeyong spoke, aproaching me and putting a hand on my shoulder once he was right in front of me. "I know it's hard but, eventually, you'll have to tell her" he said.

"You're right" I realized that, they were right, I had to tell her. "But I don't know when, ir how"

"I have an idea" Douyoung spoke, "invite to dinner, tell her is some special occasion so you'll cook dinner, and once you feel like the moment is right, tell her!" He spoke casually, but saying it might be a lot easier than actually doing it.

"What if I don't know when is the right moment?" I asked, a doubt I had since I met her years ago.

"Trust me" said Taeil "you'll know"

"What if she doesn't like me being the leader in the gang and leaves me for someone named Jungkook or maybe Baekhyun or something like that?" I asked. Another reason why I haven't told her yet, I love her too much for her to leave me.

"First of all, she will accept you, we know her since you two became a couple, and trust me, she won't leave you" Johnny spoke, calming my nerves "Second, she loves you too, so I think even if she doesn't like it, I don't think she'll leave you"

"Thanks guys" I smiled at my friends

"That's what friends are for" Yuta spoke calmly "plus, we like Y/N and you being a couple, we like you so much it would hurt ourselves seeing you break up" Yuta said and we all laughed.

What great friends I have

Worried // Mark lee x reader ffWhere stories live. Discover now