13.5- optional smut chapter ⚠️

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(Author here, reporting for duty 😗✌I just want to clarify this is my first smut, and also I am not sure if you can have sex while being pregnant for less than a week, pretty sure you can tho, so... enjoy 👌
Also, if you are under 18 and you are reading this, I warn you this is some muture content.
You have been warned, read after your own risk)

Mark's pov

After eating, everyone went to their rooms to do whatever they want. That was also the case for Y/N and me.

We wnt to our room and, as soon as we entered, we locked the door. We were about to get dirty.

As soon as I locked the door, I grabbed Y/N by her waist and raised her up, as she tied her legs around my waist, and her handsaround my neck. We started kissing lustfully, not even stopping for getting air. The kiss was amazing, but then, she started unbuttoning my shirt, and once she was done with that, she took it off, revealing my toned body. I then took the action to the bed, where I got on top of her, while devouring her. I gave her a little time to breathe, while I started taking off my pants leaving myself only in underwear. While I was doing that, she was taking of her dress, so now we were both only wearing our underwear. I slide myself on top of her, and started kissing her and leaving hickeys from the neck, down to the collarbone, stopping at her bra, where I waited intill she took it off. Then I continued sliding, kissing and leaving hickeys down on her body, as my hands travelled around it. I then stopped again at her matching red pantied, but this time, I took them off myself with my mouth. I then went up to her pu$$y, where my toung started filling it, like Y/N's moans were filling the room. I was still licking her private spot, when my princess told me she was about to cum. I smirked and stopped, and she groaned in annoyance. "Patience my princess, I want you to cum on my big c0ck" I said, while taking off my underwear. I then positioned myself to thrust my c0ck into her pu$$y and, damn it felt good. I continued thrusting stonger and deeper by every thrust, getting closer and closer to the climax, and then, I cummed all inside of her. I breathed heavily, as I was out of air, so was Y/N.

We went all out tonight, and it was awesome. I also feel proud that I got this amazing woman in my life, that I can fuck whenever I want, and I know she'll be down for it.

I give her a kiss on the forehead, as I saw how tired she was from all the plessure, and I layied next to her.

I wrap my hands around her, as I don't want to loose her from my grip and, with that, I fell asleep.

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