6- The new house

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Mark's pov

Finding a new house was hard, especially when you have to find a house big enough for 24 people. But I finally found it.

The house on the inside was boring since we just moved in but, when we finish decorating, trust me when I tell you that this house will be the best house of all the neighborhood (or at least the most loud one)

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The house on the inside was boring since we just moved in but, when we finish decorating, trust me when I tell you that this house will be the best house of all the neighborhood (or at least the most loud one).

But right now, the house is empty and boring and, unfortunately, it will be like this untill this sunday, but that 2 day wait will last forever.

When we first arrived, everybody started choosing which room will be theirs, but they were kind enough to left Y/N and myself the biggest room, since she has been feeling nervous and kinda paranoic since that meeting.

I've tried talking to her and calming her by saying that I won't let them lay a hand on her, but she for some reason doesn't belive me. I am not only worried because of what they might do to her, but also on her mental state right now.

I was going to ask her what's wrong, but she spoke first.

"Why?" She asked and I tilted my head in confusion. "Why all of this? Just for me?" She asked again.

"Oh princess..." I began. I began realizing that she might have some self doubts about herself, as memories of the night I told her about my job and how she thought I was joking and just trying to cover how I 'cheated' on her. "We all are just so worried about you, and we don't want anything bad happening to you." I said.

"But why telling me about all of this when you could have lied to me?"

"I was just worried about you" I said, while taking some of her hair and tucking it behind her ear. "Worried about wandering off without someone by your side and then, well you know what."

As soon as I finished talking, she smiled. I think she finally understood what was the reason behind a lot of things, and that made me happy.

After a short silence, we somehow began kissing, it started as a short and loving kiss, but then it became a long passionate kiss.

"Hey Mark do you know where I left my- OH GOD GROSS, YOU SHOULD HAVE LOCKED THE DOOR" Jaemin screamed, as he entered our room to ask me if I had seen his keys.

Me and Y/N just chuckled, locked the door, and had a little private moment (if you know whet I mean).

Again, not doing smut, so time skip.

There we were, laying on the floor, naked, only covered by a blanket. We heard a knock on the door so we quickly got dressed before answering.

"Sooo... have you seen my keys around somewhere?" Jaemin asked again and I shook my head.

He left dissapointed and I closed and locked the door again.

"Ummm... Mark?" Y/N spoke.

"Yes princess?" I answered, enjoying every second we were together.

"I have to tell you about something, a dream, but not any dream, it might be related to Jungkook."

Worried // Mark lee x reader ffWhere stories live. Discover now